While there is nothing quite as perfect as New Girl, you need something to fill in the void. You’ve rewatched the show a thousand times, and now you want to check out something else.
There are some great comedies out there that bring the same humor and heartfelt storylines. There are comedies that had us shipping couples like crazy, and they brought up some important social topics with great comedic relief.
Not sure where to start to fill the void? Here are five shows like New Girl to watch next.

Brooklyn Nine-Nine
This is not just another cop comedy. Brooklyn Nine-Nine touched on some important topics throughout its eight-season run. There was a look at being gay in the ‘80s and ‘90s, a push to rise up through the ranks when everyone was against you due to gender and sexuality, and a focus on racial profiling and discrimination.
Of course, there was also the shipping. Who didn’t see immediately that there was something between Jake and Amy. They ended up as the couple to want to be. They supported each other, worked through their problems, and had a great workplace rivalry that had us cheering for both of them at the same time.
Rosa, Terry, Holt, Gina, and so many more made the series extra special. There wasn’t a bad character out of the bunch, and they all got some excellent growth, which some comedies can fail to offer.
Watch Brooklyn Nine-Nine on both Netflix and Peacock.
Life in Pieces
We all face milestones throughout the years. When we’re younger, we face graduation, college, and starting adulthood. When we’re younger, we face milestone birthdays, weddings, childbirth, retirement, and sometimes, even divorce. Life in Pieces gave us a look at all of that throughout its four season run (and this certainly deserved more seasons!).
The series handled the storytelling in a slightly different way to other sitcoms. It told four short stories in each episode, with three stories seemingly unconnected and the fourth pulling them all together.
We saw talks of empty nests and having more babies, finding true love, and having first babies. There was a chance to watch as jobs changed and discussions of doing more with life. There’s no doubt that we could all relate to someone within the Short family.
Life in Pieces is available on Hulu.

Happy Endings
While after three seasons Happy Endings came to a close, this series remains a great addition to your watchlist after New Girl. It’s got an outstanding cast, and covers many of the same topics throughout the seasons.
This series focuses on life after breakups, and what happens when you get cold feet. It all starts with Alex leaving Dave at the altar. How does a core group of friends choose sides when this happens? Can Dave get over the resentment as he and Alex realize that they still have a great life and feelings for each other?
They need to figure out their new normal. And they need their friends beside them. It’s a great look at what can be after simply changing your mind.
Happy Endings is available to stream on Hulu.

Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt
Next up is a comedy that seemed a little too crazy to work at first. Kimmy Schmidt managed to escape a cult. Now she’s forced to rethink life and figure out what was wrong from right.
This is a great look at how people are indoctrinated into a system. We get a chance to see how young girls can be pulled away from their families, and then they need to find a way to integrate back in afterward. But can you go back to life as before? Kimmy decides she needs to see more of the world and embark on a new journey.
She ends up with some hilarious moments, but also some great friends. There are also times where we have to admit that her crazy ideas could actually work.
Check out Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt on Netflix.

A Million Little Things
While New Girl was a comedy, there’s a drama series that you need to watch if you loved it. A Million Little Things brought us some humor, but it also brought us heartfelt storylines and some heartbreak.
The series follows a group of friends who come together after one of the group takes his own life. They are left with secrets pouring out, including affairs, addition, others with suicidal thoughts, and the chance of new love. Everyone has something going on in their lives, and they’re not always open about it, but one death changed everything.
We watched as relationships built and fell apart over the course of five seasons. This is one of those shows you need the tissues for, but you will be quickly engrossed in every single character.
Watch A Million Little Things on Hulu.