American Primeval ending explained (and all the major deaths)

It all goes down in the American Primeval finale!
AMERICAN PRIMEVAL. (L to R) Betty Gilpin as Sara Rowell, Preston Mota as Devin Rowell, and Shawnee Pourier as Two Moons in Episode 106 of American Primeval. Cr. Justin Lubin/NETFLIX © 2024
AMERICAN PRIMEVAL. (L to R) Betty Gilpin as Sara Rowell, Preston Mota as Devin Rowell, and Shawnee Pourier as Two Moons in Episode 106 of American Primeval. Cr. Justin Lubin/NETFLIX © 2024 | Netflix

Netflix's new violent and graphic Western series, American Primeval, comes to an epic conclusion in episode 6, the series finale.

After watching all six episodes of the series, we're here to share what happens to all of the main characters, including Sara, Devin, Abish and Jacob Pratt, Two Moons, Isaac, Red Feather, Jim Bridger, Brigham Young, and more. Those characters are played by Betty Gilpin, Preston Mota, Saura Lighfoot-Leon, Dane DeHaan, Shawnee Pourier, Taylor Kitsch, Derek Hinkey, Shea Whigham, Kim Coates, and more.

Spoilers ahead for the American Primeval finale!

Sara, Devin, and Two Moons make for California

AMERICAN PRIMEVAL. (L to R) Shawnee Pourier as Two Moons, Preston Mota as Devin Rowell and Betty Gilpin as Sara Rowell in Episode 106 of American Primeval. Cr. Justin Lubin/NETFLIX © 2024 | Netflix

For six episodes, Sara Rowell (Gilpin) dragged her son, Devin (Mota), around the American West in 1857, pursued by a Mormon legion who attacked their party in the series premiere, and Virgil (Courtney) and his band of rogues. Luckily, Sara has Issac (Kitsch), an honorable assassin just trying to get by, and Two Moons (Pourier) to save them multiple times throughout the series.

In the finale, Sara is eventually kidnapped by Virgil, but Isaac leaves Devin and Two Moons in the remote cabin to rescue her, which he does, killing Virgil and all his men in the process... except one.

Later, Isaac realizes that he can't make his way West with Sara, Devin, and Two Moons despite there being undeniable chemistry between the leads. He leaves on his horse while Sara journeys on. Unfortunately, they don't make it very far before one of Virgil's men -- the only one who survived -- attacks. He's going to claim Sara's bounty. As he is trying to force her on the horse to leave Devin and Two Moons behind, Isaac arrives. He has a change of heart, and he returns just in time to kill the man. In the process, he takes a bullet to the chest. This time, Isaac can't fix it, and he dies.

AMERICAN PRIMEVAL. Taylor Kitsch as Isaac in Episode 106 of American Primeval. Cr. Justin Lubin/NETFLIX © 2024 | Netfli

After giving him a hero's burial, Sara, Devin, and Two Moons make for California. In fact, one of them even says, "Let's go to California."

So, that's how the main story is resolved. Over the course of six episodes, there are other key storylines that need to be wrapped up, starting with Jacob (DeHaan) and his quest to find his wife, Abish (Lightfoot-Leon).

Jacob, Abish, and Red Feather die in the Mormons attack on the Shoshone

AMERICAN PRIMEVAL. (L to R) Tokala Black Elk as Buffalo Run and Irene Bedard as Winter Bird in Episode 106 of American Primeval. Cr. Matt Kennedy/NETFLIX © 2023 | Netfli

After Captain Wolsey (Joe Tippett) leads the attack on the US Army to find Abish, they realize that she is not there. To stomp out the last of those who know about the Mormons killing the settlers, Captain Wolsey leads his legion to attack the Shoshone camp, and it's a bloodbath.

Abish, of course, returned to the Shoshone, so they're tipped off to the upcoming attack. It makes a difference. The Shoshone bring the fight to Wolsey's men, but it's death and carnage for everyone.

During the raid, Wolsey's men are caught in the crossfire as the Shoshone, along with Abish, attack once they have them surrounded. No one wins and basically everyone dies on both sides of the conflict, including Red Feather, Wolsey, and all of the main characters within these groups.

In the sickest twist of fate, Jacob, bag over his head and all, shoots Abish, who is dressed as and fighting on the side of the Shoshone and kills her. Then, he kills himself.

This part of the story in the absolute worst, and I wonder why any of it was even necessary at all.

Brigham Young burns down Fort Bridger

AMERICAN PRIMEVAL. (L to R) Kim Coates as Brigham Young and Alex Breaux as Wild Bill Hickman in Episode 102 of American Primeval. Cr. Courtesy of Netflix © 2024 | Netflix

Governor Brigham Young (Kim Coates) finally convinces Jim Bridger (Shea Whigham) to sell him Fort Bridger. After purchasing the fort, Brigham Young has his men burn down the fort. While it seems weird to burn down an asset, Young and the Mormons, as we have seen all season, are trying to keep everyone out of Utah. So, by buying the fort and burning it down, Young makes it that much harder for those to make the journey West. There's no place for the new settlers to stock up on supplies before making the difficult journey into Utah.

So, that's basically why all of this is happening. The Mormons are trying to keep people of the West, and they're willing to do it by any means necessary.

Who dies in the American Primeval finale?

AMERICAN PRIMEVAL. Taylor Kitsch as Isaac in Episode 101 of American Primeval. Cr. Justin Lubin/NETFLIX © 2024 | Netlfix

Who didn't die in the American Primeval finale? That list is much shorter! Literally, almost every main character dies in this series. We shared the list of the characters who died in the season finale.

  • Isaac Reed (Taylor Kitsch)
  • Abish Pratt (Saura Lightfoot-Leon)
  • Jacob Pratt (Dane DeHaan)
  • Red Feather (Derek Hinkey)
  • Virgil (Jai Courtney)
  • Cook (Dominic Bogart)
  • James Wolsey (Joe Tippett)
  • Winter Bird (Irene Bedard)
  • Buffalo Run (Tokala Black Elk)
  • Kuttaambo'i (Nanabah Grace)

Most of the Mormon Militia is killed in the season finale, along with most of the Shoshone people.

And, that's just a fraction of the people killed over the course of the series. Hundreds of characters were killed in the season premiered. Isaac kills dozens of people, including Virgil's whole crew. This is easily the most violent show we'll see this year. I can't imagine how another show will top it.

So, who are the main characters who actually make it out of American Primeval alive?

  • Sara Rowell (Betty Gilpin)
  • Devin (Preston Mota)
  • Two Moons (Shawnee Pourier)
  • Brigham Young (Kim Coates)
  • Wild Bill Hickman (Alex Breaux)
  • Jim Bridger (Shea Whigham)

That's how things happen in the American Primeval finale! It's not doom and gloom for everyone, but I don't think viewers will be leaving this series feeling very good about the place this story ends, although yes, Sara and Devin do ride off into the sunset in some respects.