Citadel: Diana season 1, episode 3 recap and review: "Together"

How did Diana end up infiltrating Manticore? That's something we learn in Citadel: Diana season 1, episode 3.
Citadel: Diana
Citadel: Diana /

Citadel: Diana continues the story in two timelines, with the past jumping to eight years earlier. It’s time to see Diana join Manticore.

Caution: This post contains SPOILERS from Citadel: Diana season 1, episode 3

There are a lot of questions about what will happen to Manticore, and whether Ettore can figure out if Diana is someone to trust or not. There are also questions about what happened in the past to Citadel. The show wastes no time in adding layers to the story.

How Diana joined Manticore in Citadel: Diana season 1, episode 3

The episode opens eight years earlier, with Diana getting into her car to find someone in the back with a gun to her head. Does he know that Diana is working with Citadel? It doesn’t seem so. This is Matteo, who tells Diana that the plane crash that killed her parents was orchestrated by the Secret Service. They are to blame, and his organization likes people like Diana.

Well, she heads to the address that he gives her, where she meets others like her who have been recruited. Diana has trained with Citadel enough to know not to trust anyone, and she makes a call to Gabriele to tell him about Manticore. It’s clear that Manticore wants to control the world, and that offers some red flags about the organization. However, Diana has a way in.

It doesn’t take long for Diana to get promoted to Operative in Manticore and she’s sent on a secret mission. Gabriele tells Diana to start acting like a Manticore agent now, but he wants the location of the mission when she has it. Of course, this leads to an ambush but it doesn’t work in Citadel’s favor. This is a clear sign of how Manticore started to take over and take down Citadel. Manticore also isn’t shocked to see Citadel there; just annoyed that Citadel found their location.

Of course, questions of how Citadel found their location have to come up. We don’t see that play out, though. Instead, a bombing at the Piazza Duomo sets up Diana’s disillusionment of Manticore. Gabriele needs her to remain in Manticore to take them down, but it’s only serving to put her in more danger.

Diana’s sister wants answers

In the present day, we cut to Diana and Sara in the car together. They are in Diana’s car, and Diana decides to drug her sister and take her back to her home.

However, when Sara wakes up the next day, she has a lot of questions and she’s scared. Why doesn’t Diana tell her the truth? What happened the night before? Diana can’t give her answers, of course, and Sara ends up leaving telling her sister not to contact her again. Sara is scared, and I don’t blame her. Imagine being drugged and lied to by your sister. Sara is a smart woman, and she knows that Diana is up to something. Of course she wants answers!

Ettore needs to get back into Cecile’s good books in Citadel: Diana

Ettore and his family meet to discuss the problem. While Ettore did as Edo suggested and it temporarily worked, the German isn’t talking—and we learn that it’s not the same German as before. This won’t give details, but that’s because he doesn’t have them. That is a good thing right now, but it could turn into a problem. Ettore needs to use this time to his advantage.

Ettore continues to get stuck in working underneath Manticore France. Edo is fed up of being controlled by France. All the Manticore territories should be on an equal level, and he doesn’t want to do Cecile’s bidding anymore. He needs to get out to Sicily with Diana to figure out a way to build Italy’s territory, and that means tracking down Weber, the German operative.

Edo continually proves to be a leader. Usually, the nepo babies are egotistical with no skill, but Edo is smart. He’s figuring out ways to get information he needs. Sure, he shouldn’t trust Diana, but he feels no reason not to right now. And It’s not like Diana isn’t in the same situation—can she really trust Edo?

Trust doesn’t matter at this point. Both Diana and Edo have the same goal: to get to Weber. Diana needs Weber alive, but Edo isn’t bothered either way. This does lead to a great action scene with Diana and Weber rushing around Sicily on chains and motorcycles.

While Citadel: Diana has given us a look at an agent who can’t always control her impulses, it’s clear in this episode that sometimes she acts because of her connection to Citadel. Citadel may be gone, but Diana isn’t giving up on that mission.

Despite orders to bring Weber alive, she kills him. To be honest, at this point, it’s kill or be killed. I don’t really blame her for doing that. She didn’t have a choice, but she needs to explain this. Edo and Diana try to trick Ettore with some fabricated footage of how it all went down, but Ettore manages to prove his abilities in this episode.

Edo has a moment of overconfidence, which is great to see. He isn’t used to this double agent thing, and we need to see him fail at times. This episode also gives us a growing relationship between Edo and Diana. They are human and they need to have emotions, and we see them form a connection in a quiet moment in Sicily. This is perfect to give us a look at how things could change as Edo learns the truth about Diana and Diana figures out what she really wants.

At the start of the episode, Ettore seemed to still be under the thumb of Cecile. Maybe he does have a bigger plan to eventually take over the Manticore territories, but he needs to deal with a problem closer to home first. He doesn’t trust Diana, and he decides to capture her. Just as we think that Edo can protect Diana, we’re reminded that Ettore has power and Diana’s position in Manticore is only as secure as she’s able to remain control.

Citadel: Diana is available to stream on Prime Video.

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