Citadel: Diana season 1, episode 5 recap and review: "Attack"

Edo and Diana's feelings intensify in Citadel: Diana season 1, episode 5. Can they take over Manticore together?
Citadel: Diana
Citadel: Diana /

The penultimate episode was always going to be a big one. Citadel: Diana season 1, episode 5 brings us an attack, but how does it all end?

Caution: This post contains SPOILERS for Citadel: Diana season 1, episode 5.

The episode opens with Edo’s passionate speech to his Manticore agents as they head to France. He makes it clear that Diana is working with them to infiltrate France. Now they all need to work together if they want the outcome in mind.

It’s a reminder of strong leadership. Edo has the skills needed to take over Manticore. He just can’t get past his father. It’s not like he’d be able to take Manticore in the direction he wants to right now, anyway. Manticore France and Germany both want to control people, so Edo needs to take them down.

Getting to see the Manticore attack on Citadel in Citadel: Diana season 1, episode 5

The episode continues its two timeline storyline that's been set up from the beginning. In the past, we get to see the attack on Citadel Italy, with Diana part of this attack with Manticore. She’s nervous, knowing that she may have no choice but to kill people she is loyal to.

Of course, we know that this is the attack that goes wrong. It’s the one that killed Enrico and helped to deepen the hatred between Manticore and Citadel in Italy.

Diana gets into the main frame, where a Citadel agent is destroying a weapon. She helps to make it happen, and we learn that it was Diana who killed Enrico. It's a secret she has always held, and now it's no wonder she felt so guilty seeing the Citadel agent locked away—he never gave her away.

Diana plays the triple agent role well

There were times in this episode that I wasn’t sure which side Diana was actually going to be on. Could she end up switching sides to work with Cecile? That wouldn’t make sense unless Diana weighed up the odds to get what she wanted: out of Manticore for good.

However, her growing feelings for Edo make things complicated. It’s clear why she is having so many more flare ups of her condition. Her feelings for Edo are working against what she really wants to do. They are making her question her loyalty to Citadel.

It does end up looking like Diana’s actions are all part of the bigger Manticore Italy plan. She tells Cecile that the Zanis are setting off a trap to take over Manticore France. This leads to Edo being arrested at the airfield, which is just what Italy wanted. By being arrested, he can use his hidden weapon to get Diana out of the French prison.

We do see that Matteo doesn’t fully trust Diana, though. With everything Diana has already done against Manticore, it’s natural for him to question which side she’s on. He does go through with the Italy plan, though. He and his team managed to get weapons from the Manufacturing Plant. It works out, trapping Cecile in her office and cutting power.

Edo and Diana are able to steal the real French half of the weapon. Manticore Italy’s plan has worked. They have forced their hand in the take over. So, what’s left in the story?

Edo begs Diana to stay with Manticore in Citadel: Diana

Diana is still Citadel at heart. She doesn’t believe in the Manticore ethos. One thing that has continuously pulled her to Edo is believing that he doesn’t believe in the ethos either. Things are changing, though. Edo has agreed to ruling Manticore Italy with Ettore, and that means following some of Manticore’s way. Everything in the past has caused her to hate Manticore more, but now her feelings for Edo are starting to make her question things.

Edo does as he promised. He wires her the money and erases her identity, making it possible for her to escape and start her new life. However, he wants her to stay. He wants to be with her, and it’s clear she wants him. She just wants the idealistic version of him that she has come to know.

This episode continues this topic of loyalty and trust. It’s hard to guess how this could play out, and that’s what makes the show so well written. In any other spy series, we’d guess that Diana would go against what she’s been fighting for over the last nine years. But that’s not the Diana we’ve come to know in this. However, would she be willing to stay if there was a way to take out Ettore and allow Edo to orchestrate his own plans for Manticore?

Of course, there’s still the question of what Edo will do when he learns that Diana was a Citadel agent and infiltrated Manticore. He has to learn that, doesn’t he? I’ve enjoyed the series because it’s not been clear if anyone even suspects her to be Citadel or not. Part of that will be because Citadel has been dead for the last eight years, but it’s refreshing that it hasn’t been a constant back and forth.

I also wonder how long it will take for Edo to learn that Diana killed Enrico. He has always felt guilt over his last words to his brother. While Edo didn't stand for the same things as Enrico, it doesn't mean that this would be something he can just get over. This episode has just added a new layer to their relationship that I can't see a way past.

The action this episode was smart and well choreographed. I love the stealth and silence as Matteo and his team work their way through the facility. There’s a simplicity to it within Edo’s advanced technology, proving that teamwork remains the best way to win.

Citadel: Diana is available to stream on Prime Video.

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