How the first half of the season sets up what could be coming in the Silo season 2 finale

As we reach the midway point of Silo season 2, let's discuss what has happened thus far and how it may affect the season 2 finale.
Silo season 2
Silo season 2

Silo season 2 episode 5 titled "Descent" places audiences at the midway point. With five episodes left, where will the season go from here?

Silo season 1 introduced audiences to a science fiction epic in the making, based on several books written by Hugh Howey. Hundreds of years after the world comes to an end, people live in a silo underground, where life seems efficient and orderly.

Although there are dozens of rules people need to follow, no one suspects anything out of the ordinary until Juliette Nichols moves from her role in Mechanical to becoming the new Sherrif. Thanks to the previous sheriff and his wife, she uncovers secrets and lies, leading to her sentence of cleaning the windows outside the silo, an event everyone watches with the hopes someone will survive outside.

But what no one expected was how the change of a specific tape used for the suits (not known to the general public) would keep her alive and able to walk over the hill. This leaves us with several questions and theories as to what would transpire in season 2.

Let's take a look at what events have transpired thus far and how they could set up the season 2 finale, beginning with the biggest reveal: Juliette's survival.

Juliette indeed survives outside finding that the world is uninhabitable. But she also comes to find that her silo is not the only one in existence.

After traveling through the hundreds of dead human remains, she enters a new silo in need of a new suit to return home after learning what transpired. Juliette meets one silo survivor, Solo, who has been living alone for the majority of his life.

While Juliette is still trapped at the other silo, she learns that there are 50 silos and the events that destroyed this current silo could affect her home if she doesn't return. And she's right.

Speaking of back home, the collapse of Bernard and Sims' trust has begun, as anticipated, when Bernard refused to make Sims his shadow. Even though Sims has proven himself capable, Bernard hasn't chosen him for reasons not explained but theorized.

As we learn that Judge Meadows was once Bernard's shadow and has been mentally unstable with drinking problems, we can put the pieces together. But this betrayal has caused Sims to act on his own, leading to the people rising against Meadows, Bernard having to kill her, and appointing Sims as the new Judge.

While that is happening Mechanical, specifically Knox and Shirely are set up for Meadows' death, turning the entire silo against them. While Bernard is doing everything by the book, literally, he is single-handedly taking down the entire silo, which can only lead to a full-scale rebellion (the one thing Bernard is trying to avoid but is probably causing).

This may have been the intention from the beginning of those who wrote the handbook. But we still do not have the full scope of how the world ended and by whom.

What we do is that thanks to Lukas, the ancient artifact he and Juliette worked on deciphering, a man named Salvador Quinn appeared but who is he? As Juliette struggles to make a new suit and learn the truth from Solo, her silo is about to rebel which could lead hundreds to their deaths.

Will Juliette return home before the season 2 finale? Will there even be a home to return to?

Is the key to returning home not going outside but using the tunnels that are underwater and otherwise inaccessible? We have five more episodes to watch and find out!

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