The third episode of Just One Look sees Greta discovering the identity of another person in the mysterious old photo, bringing her one step closer to unraveling the truth. She also has a dangerous encounter with Jacek's captor, which puts her in even more peril as the situation intensifies. Meanwhile, Kamila discovers someone breaking into her neighbor's home and, taking matters into her own hands, decides to investigate the situation further. Continue reading to learn more about what happens in the third installment of this gripping mystery thriller series on Netflix!
Just One Look episode 3 spoilers ahead! Read at your own risk!
Jimmy invites Greta to his band's concert at the Old Steelworks
The third episode begins with a flashback to the day Jimmy and his band filmed their music video, with Greta starring as the lead girl. Once the shoot wraps up, Jimmy invites Greta to his band's concert at the Old Steelworks scheduled for the weekend, even offering her VIP tickets as an incentive. However, Greta initially turns him down, saying she already has plans. She is aware that Jimmy’s invitation isn't just about the show; he has a romantic interest in her.
While it's uncertain if she's in a relationship, she insists he’s not her type. This doesn't deter Jimmy, though. He hands her a ticket before kissing her and then leaving. Greta ultimately attends the concert, which tragically ends with the deaths of 28 young people in a fire set by an arsonist.
Kamila notices a man breaking into her neighbor's home
In the previous episode, it was revealed that Kamila's house is directly across from Maryla's. In episode 1, when Kamila watches a woman through her curtains about to sleep with a man, it turns out that woman was Maryla. In the third episode, Kamila notices that she hasn't seen Maryla in a while. She looks out her curtains and sees a man breaking into Maryla's home. It's Jacek's captor! She immediately calls the police. Meanwhile, the captor is holding Jacek captive in the restroom of Maryla's house.
A cop eventually shows up at the residence, and the captor tries to make it seem like he lives there. However, his cover is blown when he claims to be Maryla's husband, as the officer is aware that Maryla isn't married. The cop orders him to take him upstairs, and the captor starts heading up the stairs. But suddenly, he spins around and begins brutally beating the cop until he's unconscious.
Later, Kamila walks by Maryla's house and looks through a window to see the cop lying on the ground. She immediately goes back into her house and calls the police again. As she looks through her window, she sees the captor leaving the house in Jacek's car. She informs the police of everything and hangs up the phone.
Greta uncovers the identity of another person in the old photo
While going through Jacek's call log again, Greta notices that he called someone named Justyna Dudzinska multiple times the day before she was murdered, with one call lasting 18 minutes. Justyna was a non-partisan councilwoman from Elblong and an activist who wrote articles for various websites. Greta shares this information with Kamila over the phone, who suggests that she take it to the police. However, Greta explains that she can’t, as Jacek specifically asked her not to. Kamila then asks Greta if she can pick up her daughter from school and bring her home, to which Greta agrees.
Before leaving the house, Greta searches Justyna's name online and finds an old interview where she mentions being in several bands when she was younger. She also talks about changing her name in the interview. Greta pulls out her phone with the old photo and compares the person she's seeing on the screen to one of the individuals in the photo. It's the same woman! Greta has now identified another person connected to Jacek’s past who appears in the picture.
Later, Greta and Borys confront the lab worker who developed her vacation photos, questioning him about whether he was responsible for planting the old photo. He denies any involvement, insisting he had nothing to do with it. While Greta believes he's lying, Borys disagrees, suggesting that the worker might be telling the truth and that someone else could have accessed the images after him and planted the photo. Borys then invites Greta to join him in visiting Szymon’s mother, but Greta tells him she’ll call later to let him know if she’s able to go.
The cops discover another missing husband
After discovering that Greta was the sole survivor of the 2009 concert fire, the authorities become more focused on Jacek's case, believing they may have found a link to another missing person case. Roman Kowalik, a 49-year-old sales representative, was photographed taking the same exit on the road at the exact same time as Jacek on the day he went missing. The police believe Roman had been following Jacek, and now he is also missing. They don’t think it’s a coincidence that both men were on the road at the same time and have now disappeared. They suspect a deeper connection between the disappearances. They just haven't quite figured out what it is yet.
Meanwhile, Greta arrives at Kamila's house to drop off her daughter. As she walks up to the house, she notices Jacek's car pulling out of a nearby residence. Jacek's captor is driving the vehicle. The car then comes to a stop in the middle of the road, revs up, and then speeds towards Greta in an attempt to run her over. However, Kamila appears and moves Greta out of the way in time. As the captor speeds off, Greta tries to run to her car. She wants to chase after the captor. Kamila's husband volunteers to go with her and drive his vehicle while Kamila stays behind and calls the cops.
As Greta and Kamila's husband chase after Jacek's captor, the cops finally arrive at Maryla's house and remove the badly injured cop from the residence. Kamila informs them that her husband and Greta are chasing after the culprit. Some of them then hop in their car and rush after them. Jacek's captor drives all the way to where he's under a freeway. He then parks his car. Greta and Kamila's husband park their car behind him, but at a distance. The captor gets out of his vehicle and immediately starts shooting at Greta and Kamila's husband. Kamila's husband gets shot in the neck, and Greta acts fast and puts the car in reverse. However, she ends up backing into a brick wall.
The police and ambulance arrive at the scene, and both Greta and Kamila's husband are rushed to the hospital. The captor is nowhere to be found, though. Greta is soon discharged, but Kamila's husband remains in critical condition, lying in a hospital bed. Greta returns home with her kids, and as they approach the door, they're stopped by Jimmy. Greta tells Emma to take her brother inside.
Jimmy shows Greta his phone, which displays her Facebook post about Jacek. She asks him if he knows where Jacek is, and Jimmy replies that he’s been dead for 15 years. Greta looks at him, confused, and asks what he means. Jimmy tells her that she was there and saw it backstage after the concert. Greta tells him she has no idea what he's talking about, as she has no recollection of anything that happened at the concert. Jimmy thinks she's lying, though.
Before leaving, he insists that Greta pass on a message to some mysterious woman, telling her that he's lost too much in life and won’t let her interfere with him again. Greta is left confused, not knowing who he's referring to. Unbeknownst to both Greta and Jimmy, Karol's right-hand man observes the entire interaction from a distance. He later reports what he witnessed to Karol, who seems unsettled by the information.
Greta and Borys meet with Szymon’s mother
After her creepy encounter with Jimmy, Greta calls up Borys and takes him up on his offer to visit Szymon's mom, Alina. They arrive at Alina's residence, but she initially doesn't want to talk with them. It's not until Greta mentions that her husband might've known her son that Alina opens the door and steps out. However, she claims not to know who Jacek is or any of the other people in the old photo besides her son. What's really strange about this interaction is that when Greta mentions that her kids are nearby swinging at the park, Alina stares at Emma and smiles before snapping out of her daze and quickly going back into her house. It's unclear what that was all about.
Elsewhere, Wiktor is released from prison on parole and looks excited to finally be free. In a news report, it's revealed that his legal team has organized an open press conference with him and that it will be held soon. This is where he's expected to reveal new information about what happened at the concert 15 years ago.
Elsewhere, Jacek's captor pulls into a gas station with Jacek still bound in the trunk. As the captor heads inside the building, Jacek manages to kick the seats forward, creating an opening to escape through the backseat door. The captor returns to the car and realizes Jacek is gone. He immediately hops in the car and speeds off. Meanwhile, a bloody Jacek navigates himself through a large wheat field. This is where episode 3 ends.
You can stream all six episodes of Just One Look right now on Netflix.