Long Bright River episode 3 recap: A shocking revelation about the suspect

On Thanksgiving, Mickey visits her family and has another run-in with someone dangerous, which all leads to a reveal Mickey never saw coming.
LONG BRIGHT RIVER -- "Mother Wolf" Episode 103 -- Pictured: (l-r) Amanda Seyfried as Mickey, Nicholas Pinnock as Truman
LONG BRIGHT RIVER -- "Mother Wolf" Episode 103 -- Pictured: (l-r) Amanda Seyfried as Mickey, Nicholas Pinnock as Truman | Photo by: David Holloway/PEACOCK

This post contains spoilers from Long Bright River episode 3 from this point forward.

In the previous episode of Long Bright River, Mickey scoped out the building from Kacey's photo and was held at gunpoint. Episode 3 quickly reveals that Dock McClatchie is the one pointing the gun at her, though it's unclear if Mickey knows that's who he is. He's also looking for Kacey because she took something from him. Dock fires a warning shot and forces Mickey out. Before she leaves, he threatens her with Thomas.

Already tense, Mickey's irked to find Thomas with G-Pop at a bar playing poker. Truman texts her that he has a lead on Dock, but she doesn't inform him of her stressful run-in. Thomas is still sensitive about not spending much time with extended family, which leads to a flashback to 1999 at Mickey's mother's funeral. Their father stands outside the reception, and they watch as G-Pop confronts him. He punches their dad, blaming him for his daughter's death. Mickey covers Kacey's eyes.

Back in present day, Mickey and Truman follow up on the Dock lead, who reveals that he last knew he was squatting in a rundown place, which seems to confirm Mickey's suspicions. Their lead recognizes Kacey and says the last time he saw her in his shop, she was badly beaten. Still, Mickey doesn't tell Truman about running into Dock. Detective Danjarat has video of the perp, though his identity is hidden, but Mickey has an inkling it's Dock.

Mickey and Truman stop by Jimmy Scanlon's house to talk to his wife, but they don't make any inroads. While flipping through old photos in a memory box, Mickey flashes back to 2001 when she showed Kacey a secret hiding spot in G-Pop's house. She calls Danjarat and uses her own experience with Dock to falsify that someone she spoke to recognized the perp in the Wildwood sweatshirt as him. It's not a lie, but it's not the whole truth.

LONG BRIGHT RIVER: "Mother Wolf" Episode 103 - Amanda Seyfried as Mickey, Nicholas Pinnock as Truman, Callum Vinson as Thomas
LONG BRIGHT RIVER -- "Mother Wolf" Episode 103 -- Pictured: (l-r) Amanda Seyfried as Mickey, Nicholas Pinnock as Truman, Callum Vinson as Thomas | Photo by: David Holloway/PEACOCK

Mickey gets a surprise on Thanksgiving

In a flashback to 2002, a group of young boys asks Mickey to play her oboe. After putting the instrument together, the boys steal the instrument. Kacey tries to confront them, but Mickey pulls her away. Maybe that's why she's so adamant about keeping Thomas in private school. She meets again with his teacher and made an agreement to allow Thomas to remain at the school until the end of the term. His teacher gives Mickey her money back.

When Thomas leaves his current school, he will have to attend the elementary school Mickey went to, which she hated. Thomas can see right through her lie that she loved it because he overheard her telling G-Pop that she hated it. He demands that his mom actually tells him things about his schooling and his father that she frequently lies to him about. She admits that there's nothing to tell, but she makes his day by having Thanksgiving off.

Mickey, Truman, and Thomas attend Thanksgiving at her cousin Hailey O'Brien's house. It's a packed house, but Mickey rushes to talk to her cousins about Kacey. They know about Dock and have heard that he killed someone who cheated him. Truman talks to Hailey about Mickey, but she doesn't have very kind words to say about her cousin. After overhearing Hailey say she lies, Mickey tries to make a quick exit before being pulled into a group prayer by her aunt.

On the ride home, Thomas asks who the girl with the pink hair is. The question takes Mickey by surprise. She doesn't tell Thomas about Kacey and never has. Truman drops them off and Mickey has Thomas run into the house first. As Truman drives away, Dock grabs Mickey from behind and holds a gun to her head.

LONG BRIGHT RIVER -- "Mother Wolf" Episode 103 -- Pictured: Ashleigh Cummings as Kacey
LONG BRIGHT RIVER -- "Mother Wolf" Episode 103 -- Pictured: Ashleigh Cummings as Kacey | (Photo by: David Holloway/PEACOCK

Mickey might know the killer

Thankfully, as Dock holds her at gunpoint, Mickey's able to use the security app to send an SOS message to Truman. Dock thinks that Mickey sent cops after him. Obviously, she denies having any part in that... even though she did give his name to Danjarat. She inevitably has to fess up, though, as Dock forces her to the ground with the intention to kill her. She pleads for her life, not wanting Thomas to find her. But the gunshot never comes. Dock fled before Truman returns. Finally, she has to tell Truman the truth.

He's mad that she's keeping secrets from him and yells at her for not letting him in. She still won't open up to him about why she went to Dock's without him, and he leaves again. Danjarat gives her a call to share that they questioned Dock and found out that because he was locked up, he has an airtight alibi for the murders. She's at a loss. Another flashback reveals Kacey stole Mickey's oboe back and put it in their hiding place.

During breakfast, Thomas asks about his birthday party. He's excited and wants to invite everyone, all his friends, and his dad. Mickey decides to have an honest talk with him about why his father doesn't come around. She doesn't have a reason. He doesn't have anything preventing him from seeing Thomas. She makes sure Thomas knows that it's not his fault and still agrees to invite his dad.

Later at work, Mickey thinks she sees Kacey, but it's just a girl without pink hair who kind of resembles her sister. Mickey answers a call to a fire at Dock's building and worries Kacey could be inside. Paula's on the scene and swears Kacey isn't around. She shows Paula the video of the perp, and she has a very strong reaction. "Yeah, I know him. You know him, too," Paula says. "He's a cop." After that revelation, Mickey's ready to talk to Truman.

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