The official trailer for Netflix's life action Avatar: The Last Airbender recently dropped, and we were super excited by how many characters were revealed for season 1. Out of all the character reveals, we are talking about 5 in particular, who are equally as important as the main characters themselves.
We're talking villains, friends, and the bizarre. Can you guess which characters made our list?
1. Jet

Starting our list is one character we are particularly excited about: Jet. As we mentioned in our previous Avatar: The Last Airbender article, Jet is easily distinguishable by his hook swords.
Aside from his incredible fighting skills, Jet's very charismatic personality and charm stole Katara's heart almost instantly in the animated show. Much to Aang's dismay.
A member of the Earth Kingdom, he, like many, has a rather strong hatred for the Fire Nation. What ultimately ruins his budding friendship and alliance with Sokka, Katara, and Aang is his means of retribution.
Jet's first appearance is in season 1 or Book One of the animated television show, which only makes sense that he is present in season 1 of this adaptation.
2. Firelord Ozai

We also discussed Firelord Ozai in our previous article and although we do not agree with the decision to reveal the powerful and cruel Fire Nation leader this early, he's here and we have to accept it. To be fair, the appearance of Ozai matches the animated counterpart quite well.
Although we'll spare some future spoilers about the character, Ozai is Aang's main foe in the story. Aang must master all the elements of Fire, Water, Air, and Earth, in order to defeat him and bring peace and balance back to the world.
Ozai's palpable presence, often revealed as a dark shadow in flashbacks in the animated series, is bone-chilling. We're curious how much is actually revealed about this villain in season 1, as his story was slowly unveiled to audiences in the animated series.
He's the father of Prince Zuko and Princess Azula and does not hide the fact he favors Azula over her scarred and tormented brother.
3. Bumi, King of Omashu
Where do I start with Bumi? Is he old, delirious, insane, or just old?
Bumi is the King of the Earth Kingdom city Omashu (which also plays a huge role in the overarching story), who comes off very strange and quite frankly insane. But as we learn with a majority of characters in the show, there is more to him than meets the eye.
Bumi's role extends more than his bizarre behavior as he briefly becomes Aang's teacher in Earthbending and is able to be force to be reckoned with when it comes to the safety of his city and the dreaded Fire Nation.
But we don't want to get too ahead of ourselves here with what's to come in Bumi's arc.
4. The Blue Spirit
If you blinked you might have missed this character in the trailer. The Blue Spirit is the character dressed in all black while wearing a very ornate blue and white mask.
Extremely skilled in the art of fighting, you'll come to find that this character is extremely detrimental to the plot from the beginning to his final appearance. We won't spoil who the man behind the mask is, but his role in aiding Aang, when necessary, against the Fire Nation, does not go unnoticed.
This identity of The Blue Spirit will also play a huge role for the man behind the mask as well.
5. June
Last but not least is June, or as I remember her, as Zuko's uncle Iroh's crush. Yes, Iroh is as humorous as he is wise.
But seriously, June almost reminds me of Fennec from The Mandalorian and The Book of Boba Fett. She's quiet, steadfast, and an incredibly impressive bounty hunter. Her involvement with the story happens when she's hired by Zuko and Uncle Iroh to find Aang.
At this point in the story, our trio is already trying to escape Prince Zuko and Iroh at every turn. Add to it a very deadly bounty hunter, you got yourself a very big problem.

Which characters are you most excited to see in Netflix's Avatar: The Last Airbender? Let us know in the comments below!