Big Brother EXCLUSIVE: Kenney Kelley speaks on his indecisiveness in the competition

Every week, it seemed that Kenney Kelley wanted to leave the Big Brother house. But what was really his thought process?
BIG BROTHER August 4 on the CBS Television Network and live streaming on Paramount+ and PlutoTV. Pictured: Kenney Kelley. Photo: CBS ©2024 CBS Broadcasting, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Highest quality screengrab available.
BIG BROTHER August 4 on the CBS Television Network and live streaming on Paramount+ and PlutoTV. Pictured: Kenney Kelley. Photo: CBS ©2024 CBS Broadcasting, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Highest quality screengrab available.

To some, Kenney Kelley will go down in Big Brother history as one of the few houseguests who were better off staying home. To others, he's one of the few houseguests who can proudly say that they won the Golden Power of Veto. But to us, he's a Big Brother player who gave it his all, even when he was emotionally checked out of the game.

Big Brother Season 26 - Photo Credits: ©2024 CBS Broadcasting, Inc. All Rights Reserved
BIG BROTHER season 26 July 31, on the CBS Television Network and live streaming on Paramount+ and PlutoTV. Pictured: Kenney Kelley. Photo: CBS ©2024 CBS Broadcasting, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Highest quality screengrab available.

Kenney certainly struggled during his short time in the Big Brother house, as he was greatly missing his wife and kids. It became draining to the house (and the fans) to constantly hear about how much Kenney wanted to go home, so rather than hear about it for yet another week, the house made the executive decision to send Kenney out once and for all.

With everything going down the way it did and all the feelings involved in the midst of it all, Kenney wants to set the record straight since he believes that fans don't understand the full story.

Why Kenney Kelley believes he didn't lay down and die

Show Snob had the chance to ask Big Brother houseguest Kenney Kelley about his time in the house. We asked him burning questions that everyone wanted to know. Specifically, why he was so lukewarm in the house despite having the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity many would've killed to have.

Without further ado, here's how Kenney Kelley (joined by his adorable kids) views his time in the Big Brother season 26 house:

Show Snob: If you had already been checked out of the game, why would you have won the Power of Veto in the second week? Did you have a brief change of heart?

I never checked out of the game mentally. I was having struggles missing my family. It was a balance of trying to stay in the game and missing my family---which I couldn't shake---but it was always good for me once the HOH and the Power of Veto comps started. Those days were really good for me because I wanted to stay and build alliances. But it was the downtime that really got to me.

Show Snob: Let’s say we erased your homesickness. If you had a chance to build your dream alliance, who would be in it? Why?

Matt [Hardeman] was the person I was trying to build something with. Matt, MJ, Leah, Cedric, Cam, and Tucker would've been my pick for the first group. And then, to keep close, me, Tucker, Cedric, and Matt would've separated a little bit because I think we were going to be strong in competitions both mentally and physically.

Big Brother Season 26 - Photo Credits: ©2024 CBS Broadcasting, Inc. All Rights Reserved
BIG BROTHER season 26 July 28 on the CBS Television Network and live streaming on Paramount+ and PlutoTV. Pictured: Kenney Kelley. Photo: CBS ©2024 CBS Broadcasting, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Highest quality screengrab available.

Show Snob: At what points do you think your undercover detective skills would’ve came in clutch? What points do you think your Boston upbringing came in clutch?

I use my undercover detective skills as a way to help families with addicts, so I didn't want to manipulate my career to get ahead in the game. I wish I opened with the fact that I was a police officer rather than hiding it.

Show Snob: If you could pick the order, who are the three people you want to see gone next?

Brooklyn, Angela, and Joseph.

Check out our sit-down with Kenney Kelley below!

Please note that this transcription and interview have been edited for length and clarity.

Catch new episodes of Big Brother season 26 every Sunday, Wednesday, and Thursday evening only on CBS.