Big Brother EXCLUSIVE: Matt Hardeman reflects on season 26 thus far

The first evictee of the season speaks on why he wouldn't change a thing about his game nor his character.
BIG BROTHER season 26 July 25 on the CBS Television Network and live streaming on Paramount+ and PlutoTV. Pictured: Matt Hardeman. Photo: CBS ©2024 CBS Broadcasting, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Highest quality screengrab available.
BIG BROTHER season 26 July 25 on the CBS Television Network and live streaming on Paramount+ and PlutoTV. Pictured: Matt Hardeman. Photo: CBS ©2024 CBS Broadcasting, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Highest quality screengrab available.

Even though Hardeman didn't get to play the game as long as he hoped, he was still smiling ear-to-ear, grateful about getting to receive a once-in-a-lifetime experience. He also was more than happy about the many amazing individuals that he got to meet in the Big Brother house (ahem, Makensy Manbeck!) and how he's selfishly hoping they come home early so he can hang out with them.

It's safe to say that the highs Hardeman has experienced will never replace the lows. However, that doesn't mean that the season 26 contestant didn't wish things went a different way, especially when it came down to his huge fight with fellow contestant Angela Murray, the same individual who sent him packing. What's more, knowing what he knows now, Hardeman is certainly taken aback by the true colors of some of his houseguests.

All around, we believe fans didn't get a good chance to see the wholesome and down-to-earth personality that Matt Hardeman bore. But something tells us that this isn't the last we'll see of this Georgia native!

Matt Hardeman spills the tea about his Big Brother past, present, and future

Earlier this week, Show Snob had the fortune of sitting down with Matt Hardeman, the first evictee of Big Brother season 26. Below is the full transcription of the interview between Show Snob and Matt Hardeman:

Show Snob: It really does hurt to be the first evicted of the season. It's never easy. But had you stayed in the house or had you won the BBAI competition, would you have come for Angela [Murray] or a different target?

Would I have come for Angela? Yeah. 100%! I would've came for Angela every single week, every single competition until I got to make it right. I meant what I said in my last speech. I feel like peace has been robbed from us this week. [...] I think what was hard about that was that everybody agreed with her nominations. She could've had the least bloody first HOH week and set herself up well in the game, but then, next thing I know---that changed a lot. So yeah, would I have come for Angela, no question.

Show Snob: Who would you say is running the house right now? Or who do you want to see run the house?

I think things are going to continue to shift and change based on who's HOH. Things are really up for grabs. There are like 900 alliances happening in the house right now. People are swifting and swapping. The aftermath of what happened with the BS [Barbershop Alliance] really showed people are going to be flipping and flopping alliances. Even though you broke it, it doesn't mean there's loyalty there. Leah [Peters] had to face the music there and say "we thought we had 8, we realized we didn't have any of those people." I don't know who's running the house. I think it's all over the place.

Show Snob: If you could pick the order, who are the three people you want to see gone next?

Lisa, Angela, and MJ.

Please note that this transcription and interview have been edited for length and clarity.