Something has to be in the water for the Big Brother season 26 houseguests because the way each person is moving is insanely unhinged yet super entertaining.

Everyone seems to be playing either an emotional game or a game where they would rather shake up the house for the sake of drama rather than play it safe. Although it may not make much sense gameplay-wise, it sure is a fun watch.
Tucker is the Head of Household this week after being the last one standing in this season's first Wall Comp. With him in power, the houseguests knew they were walking on eggshells, careful to not do anything that he would deem as being worthy to be nominated. Thankfully, he already had a couple of houseguests in mind as well as an alliance he was in the mood to blow up.
Here are Tucker's nominations:
- Quinn Martin
- Brooklyn Rivera
- Cam Sullivan-Brown
Will Tucker finally even the score and send his arch-nemesis Quinn out of the house? Or does he have something else in mind? Here's everything to know about this week!
Tucker wants nothing more than to take out the head honcho of The Collective
Because Quinn hinted at the existence of The Collective, Tucker knew he had to dismantle the alliance sooner rather than later. Although Quinn is in this major alliance, there are far bigger fish for Tucker to fry. Specifically, Brooklyn. And what better way to take out Brooklyn than by taking away one of her two chances at taking herself off the block?
For this week's Veto competition was none other than Hide and Go Veto, a fan-favorite competition that we haven't seen in a while. In this competition, the selected houseguests for this competition---Joseph, Brooklyn, Quinn, Cam, Makensy, and Tucker---were required to hide their memory flasks in a place in the house where no one could find them. The sole person with their card still in the house after the end of the competition was crowned winner.

Some houseguests were more focused on messing up their rivals' belongings, while others hid their flasks in the most obvious place. As for Tucker, however, he knew to lock in and seek out that win to have complete power this week.
In the end, to no one's surprise, Tucker won the Golden Power of Veto.
With power in his hands, Tucker wanted to do a move that would shake up the house while still keeping his game somewhat safe. To that end, rather than keep nominations the same, Tucker opted to use the Power of Veto to save Quinn. In Quinn's place, Tucker nominated Chelsie.

With Chelse, Cam, and Brooklyn on the block, The Collective/The Pentagon is next to over since most of their members have gone home or are on the way out. Even so, the game isn't over yet.
Another BBAI Arena is in store for Chelsie, Cam, and Brooklyn. Who will secure the victory in this competition and save themselves? We'll find out tonight!
Catch a brand-new episode of Big Brother season 26 tonight, Aug. 22, at 8:00 p.m. ET only on CBS. And the next day on Paramount+!