It's safe to say that T'Kor's Head of Household reign is somewhat of a headache. But this wouldn't be the first time a Big Brother season 26 houseguest was a little confused about what they wanted to do or who they wanted out.

T'Kor thought it best to put Cam and Makensy on the block as her primary targets. Both of these houseguests aren't in her main alliance, so she thought it best to use this week to secure more numbers for her alliance. However, because she had to name a third nominee, T'Kor saw it best to nominate Tucker, a comp beast, so he can hopefully win the Golden Power of Veto and keep nominations the same.
If only T'Kor knew how these three nominees would flip her HOH reign on its head!
Between Tucker taking offense to being nominated to an unexpected Golden Power of Veto win, there was a lot that went down this week. And the best part is we're not even done with this week!
Before the next houseguest takes their exit from the Big Brother season 26 house, here's a quick recap of what's happened so far.
Why the house may finally flip on Tucker
With Cam, Makensy, and Tucker on the block, T'Kor desperately wanted Tucker to win the Veto to lock in her nominees. Yet, she didn't think about the potential of someone else winning the Golden Power of Veto.
For this week's Veto competition, Big Brother brought back another classic — a slingshot competition!

In this competition, the houseguests were required to use a huge slingshot to knock back pictures with different number values on them. Whichever houseguest had the smallest number after a round was eliminated from the game. If two or more houseguests received zero points, they competed in a sudden death showdown. Also, whoever got eliminated had to choose a mysterious envelope that was either a prize or a punishment. These prizes and punishments were traded if the houseguests agreed to exchange.
This competition usually shows people's real strategy since some would rather take money than secure safety, showing the difference between short-term investment and long-term investment.
In the end, Cam was the only one with his eyes on the true prize, as he opted to go for the Golden Power of Veto rather than be tempted by temporary prizes. Naturally, he used the Veto on himself.

With Cam off the block, T'Kor had to get her hands dirty once again with a replacement nominee.
Despite Angela being one of T'Kor's cheerleaders and them being in an alliance together, T'Kor opted to put Angela on the block as a renom. What was meant to be an HOH where she secured more numbers for her alliance, T'Kor somehow managed to put her numbers in danger.
T'Kor's allegiance to her alliance, Sixth Avenue, is officially put into question because, if Makensy wins the BBAI Arena this week, either Angela or Tucker will certainly go home, leaving Sixth Avenue one player short.
When it comes to these two, everyone would definitely send Tucker out to even the playing field for everyone. But will they actually be able to send the comp beast out? Who will win the BBAI Arena? And, more importantly, how will the rest of T'Kor's HOH reign pan out? All these questions and more will be answered soon enough!
Tune in to a brand-new episode of Big Brother season 26 tonight, Aug. 29, at 8:00 p.m. ET on CBS!