The competition of Big Brother has been flipped on its head with the introduction of Jankie World, a weird version of the game where the houseguests can't catch a break from the nonstop singing, dancing, pizza, ice cream, and just about everything that could ever annoy them.
However, despite the competition being so much different than they're used to, the game is still taking place, meaning someone will be going home this week.

With Leah Peters being our Head of Household of the week, certain houseguests were on their toes all week since they knew they didn't do their best to get on Leah's good side nor prioritize her wants and needs. What's more, with numbers dwindling and trios forming off to the side, whichever alliance made the stance to not include Leah was put in the spotlight, making it nearly impossible for them to not show their cards.
So much has unfolded during this janky week and it seems that things are only going to get more stressful from here on out. But before we say goodbye to another houseguest, let's take a recap of all the important things you should know this week!
T'Kor's passive gameplay might finally bite her in the butt
With her HOH, Leah opted to put Kimo Apaka and Rubina Bernabe on the block. Her goal is to separate the unbreakable trio that is Kimo, Rubina, and T'kor since those three have an undying loyalty to one another. Leah's big swing may connect because no matter which of the three is on the block, at least one of the three is guaranteed to stay on the block. However, with the Golden Power of Veto (and the Jankie Veto) still up for grabs, things weren't set in stone just yet.
For this week's Veto competition, six houseguests were chosen to play in the game (Rubina, Kimo, Leah, Angela, Chelsie, and T'Kor). The Veto game, Jankie's Sweet and Treats, required players to fit all ten candy pieces on a puzzle board. Whoever did it the fastest got the Golden Power of Veto, however, whoever came in second won the Jankie Veto.
Unfortunately, no one from T'Kor's trio secured power. Angela secured the normal Power of Veto, while Leah secured the Jankie Veto.

Angela decided to use her power to save Kimo to get him on her good side. On the other hand, Leah failed to do what was required to use the Jankie Veto, eliminating the power of the second Veto. Even so, Leah used the last bit of HOH power before the eviction ceremony to nominate T'Kor as the replacement nominee.
With T'Kor and Rubina on the block, someone in the trio will go home. The house seems to be on board to send T'Kor packing once and for all. But anything can happen in the Big Brother house!
Who will go home tonight? T'Kor or Rubina? Find out by checking out a brand-new episode of Big Brother season 26 tonight, Sept. 19, at 8:00 p.m. ET on CBS!