Days of Our Lives spoilers Jan. 22- 26: One step closer to Eric and Nicole’s baby reveal?

Days of Our Lives should be heating up this week in Salem with lots of secrets to unfold. Paulina’s health, the real paternity of Jude, and the truth behind Everett. Tune in to Peacock TV to find out what happens!
DAYS OF OUR LIVES -- Pictured: "Days of our Lives" Key Art -- (Photo by: Peacock)
DAYS OF OUR LIVES -- Pictured: "Days of our Lives" Key Art -- (Photo by: Peacock)

It is nearing the end of January on Days of Our Lives and plenty of conclusions will be happening in Salem. Lots of secrets are on the edge of unfolding. Who will cross that finish line first?

Tate Black finally got a break last week when EJ Dimera approved the Judge’s decision to allow him to go to a juvenile rehabilitation facility. Theresa and Brady’s minds are more at ease, but it doesn’t erase all the traumatic events their child has been through. And that can weigh hard on a person.

While Theresa and Brady have had their share of addiction problems, their son is innocent. It’s not only taken a toll on Tate, but their parents as well. As you can imagine, the whole situation if very triggering and Theresa is handling things about how you’d expect.

Our spoilers this week are brought to you by Soap She Knows.

Monday, January 22 Days spoilers

Theresa had a relapse and used after Tate was once again shipped away from her to the rehab facility. Alex definitely feels like a fish out of water. He’s not sure how to handle it. Brady on the other hand knows exactly what to do. And because they both share the pain of losing a child it’s a situation that pulls them together and Alex walks in on a moment he wasn’t expecting. Certainly not in his own apartment.

Now I was never huge on Brady and Theresa. I always found them to be toxic but since the actress switch up for Theresa I feel like the chemistry between these two characters runs deeper between Eric Martsolf (Brady Black) and Emily O’Brien (Theresa Donovan). I wasn’t sure how Emily would fit into this role who played the former Gwen. But I’ve been pleasantly surprised with the development. For some reason, I feel more sympathetic for this character who is always.. well.. just one hot mess.

Tuesday, January 23 Days spoilers

If there is one couple you can look at on Days of Our Lives and just know they are meant to be it’s Sarah and Xander. Paul Telfer (Xander) does such an amazing job with his role. Every time I look at him when he looks at his on-screen partner Sarah (Linsey Godfrey) it reminds me of the heart eyes emoji. And now Sarah and Xander will be living close proximity. Will it strengthen or harm their relationship?

Wednesday, January 24 Days spoilers

Leo may have help with his cash flow now that he has been awarded a job but don’t think he is done with Sloan anytime soon. Leo will be back on the canvas this week and Sloan will have to pay up but in what form?

Leo is still one of the few people who know Sloan stole Nicole’s baby and passed it off as a baby up for adoption. On one hand, it’s great that Eric has gotten to be a part of his child’s life, but Nicole is still being robbed of that feat and is now out of the country still trying to save her daughter’s life.

After the spectacle at the house with Marlena and John, we all know the toll lying is taking on her. She’s not cut out for this kind of treachery. So it’s only a matter of time before all her walls come crashing down. Soon Eric will be saying goodbye forever.

Thursday, January 25 Days spoilers

It will be the day when we finally learn a little more about Paulina’s health. Johnny will stand by his ex-wife’s side the entire time and be there for Chanel through the coming days. The mayor should definitely need some help to get through this potential setback. Will she finally fill Abe in on what’s going on with her?

After Abe lost his memory, Paulina pushed to be there for him and vowed to help him remember. She went out of her way to do so. Paulina is a tough and powerful woman, but even she will have to understand that people need people.

It’s only fair that Paulina lets him help. And who knows this may be the one thing that bonds them even closer. Could Abe’s memory get stronger as her body grows weaker?

Friday, January 25 Days spoilers

When things aren’t going Everett’s way this week he threatens to walk. But is it really over his feud with Chad or over something much deeper? Jada perhaps.

It has been revealed that it’s Everett who was Jada’s ex-boyfriend and it doesn’t seem like things ended well for them. Whatever happened this could spell trouble for his future relationship with Stephanie.

There has always been something slightly off with Everett. Ghosting Stephanie and telling her he was in a coma was a little suspicious. What other skeletons might be in his closet?

Find out this week on Days of Our Lives on Peacock!

Which day are you looking forward to watching the most? Let us know in the comments below!