Another live eviction went down on Big Brother and when we say that it was a doozy full of blindsides and backstabs and emotional realizations, we definitely mean it!

With Tucker being the Head of Household this week, his first mission was to blow up The Collective/The Pentagon alliance, the major alliance that he believed was running the house. Tucker did well in sending Cedric Hodges home (who belonged to both alliances), but he wasn't satisfied. So, Tucker put Brooklyn Rivera, Quinn Martin, and Cam Sullivan-Brown on the block.
Being the comp beast that he is, Tucker secured the Golden Power of Veto, too, which put him in complete power over who goes up and who comes down pre-BBAI Arena. Not too long after the Veto, though, Tucker had a change of heart, and switched his target from Quinn to Chelsie Baham. And so, Tucker took Quinn off the block and put up Chelsie, instead.

In the midst of Tucker wanting Brooklyn or Chelsie out of the game, Tucker's alliance, Sixth Avenue, felt that Tucker was getting a little too close to Cam and wondered if Tucker's social game was becoming too good. As a result, Sixth Avenue pondered the idea of flipping the vote on Tucker and voting Cam out, should Cam lose the BBAI Arena.
Brooklyn, Cam, and Chelsie all have an equal chance of going home. However, as we know, it's not over until someone walks out of the Big Brother season 26 house for good.
Brooklyn Rivera becomes the fifth evictee of Big Brother season 26
For this week's BBAI Arena named "Digital Decryption", Brooklyn, Cam, and Chelsie were required to repair an image based on scabbled letters displayed on the screen. They then had to run to a separate station to recreate the image with the words they decrypted. Whoever did this the quickest was crowned the winner.
Everyone gave it their very best. In the end, though, Chelsie secured the win, and thus, took herself off the block.
With Brooklyn or Cam, being the last houseguests on the block this week, the house had to think selfishly about who they could see themselves playing with going forward.
Here's how the house (excluding the nominees and Tucker) voted:
Houseguest | Vote (Brooklyn or Cam?) |
Chelsie Baham | Cam |
Leah Peters | Brooklyn |
Quinn Martin | Brooklyn |
Makensy Manbeck | Brooklyn |
Rubina Bernabe | Brooklyn |
Kimo Apaka | Brooklyn |
T'Kor Clottey | Brooklyn |
Angela Murray | Brooklyn |
Joseph Rodriguez | Brooklyn |
By a vote of 8 to 1, Brooklyn has been eliminated from the Big Brother season 26 house, becoming the fifth evictee of the season.

What will be the fallout of this shocking eviction? How will the house recover? And, more importantly, who will be the next Head of Household of the season? All these questions and more will be answered soon enough!
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