Silo season 2 episode 5 recap: Descent

Juliette's infection may prevent her from returning home, meanwhile, Sims' wife Camille decides to act against Bernard in ways that may backfire in Silo season 2 episode 5.
Silo season 2
Silo season 2

In Silo season 2 episode 5, Juliette continues to struggle to make a suit so she can return to her silo, while the trust between Bernard and Sims continues to crumble. Meadows' death continues to rile up the silo, making the escape back to Mechanical seemingly impossible for Shirley, Knox, Walker, and Carla.

But perhaps the biggest mystery this season will be uncovering who Salvador Quinn is and why it matters.

The episode doesn't waste any time in revealing just how broken Bernard and Sims' trust is when Bernard arrives at Sims' home unannounced and essentially tricks him into being sworn in as the new Judge. This act is the final straw for both Sims and his wife Camille, however, he accepts the new role without question.

What Sims doesn't know is that Camille is beginning to work behind his back, which includes saving Shirley and Knox from being captured or killed by the growing mob. Thanks to Sims, more and more residents of the silo have been enraged at Meadows' death, to the point IT needs a barricade.

This barricade is going to make the return to Mechanical for Walker, Knox, Shirley, and Carla near impossible. Initially, they try to seek help from Carla's friend, but naturally, he betrays them, and they escape before they get caught.

They agree to split up, leaving Walker with Carla, but due to Carla's leg injury from excessive strain in the escape, she offers to stay behind to get arrested so that Walker has a chance.

Camille manages to find Shirely and Knox and offers to hide them. However, it doesn't take long for them to realize they can't trust her and decide to leave before she returns.

Was Camille going to deliver them to Sims or did she have ulterior motives?

Either way, Bernard does learn that Camille was spotted with them, which infuriates him to no end. To evade the barricade, Shirley has the idea of essentially leaping off the railing using cables.

Both manage to land at Mechanical, who is quick to pull them over the side to safety much to the anger of those with specific orders from Bernard to find them. But are they truly safe from harm?

When Bernard is not anxiously and angrily waiting for news that Knox, Shirley, and Walker have been captured, he meets with Lukas whom he wants to repair an artifact from the past. It just so happens to be the same artifact Juliette and Lukas worked on together, but Juliette never revealed what she saw on it.

If Lukas can help Beranrd, he can end his time at the mines and maybe even become Bernard's shadow. Lukas does manage to find some information, love letters to be exact, from Salvador Quinn to his wife.

Bernard's reaction reveals he knows who Quinn is but doesn't reveal anything. Lukas also shares what he thinks are tunnels inside their silo.

But where do they lead to? Bernard wants Lukas to keep working in the hopes that more information will be released.

Bernard also tries to obtain Dr. Nichols, Juliette's father, trust and understanding but Nichols refuses to aid Bernard in any way. He's far too angry about all the lies told to couples trying to get pregnant and the lengths IT had gone through to make such things occur.

Amidst all of this, Billings and Hank have been working together to put some pieces together as to all of the occurrences, including the news that Sims has replaced Meadows as Judge. Their findings all come to a head when they find Patrick Kennedy, alive, but bleeding out hiding in Mechanical.

Kennedy is able to convince Billings, though aggressively, that he knows everything about the silo, all the secrets, lies, and more. Billings agrees to help him, just as he receives word from Bernard that Knox and Shirley have escaped to Mechanical.

Billings openly lies to Bernard that he will find them.

Silo season 2 episode 5 ending explained

As Juliette struggles to make her old helmet work with the fire suit, she learns from Solo that the lower levels are flooded. He worries that it will be a matter of time before the entire silo floods in which case he'll have nowhere to go.

Solo and Juliette become frustrated with each other over her refusal to help him resolve the issue as her main objective is to get back home. After searching through the remains of the silo she comes across evidence that Solo may not be the real Solo.

Juliette decides to confront him, revealing a photo of two people, one claiming to be Solo. His response is far from what she expected as an enraged Solo becomes extremely aggressive, frightening her.

She leaves, hoping to find a new helmet for the suit but when she finds one stored under someone's bed, she collapses. It seems Juliette has become ill over an extremely infected wound on her arm.

Silo season 2 episode 5 review: The halfway point

We are now halfway through season 2 and this slow burn is far slower than even I expected. While I understand the events that will lead to something explosive need time to develop, this seems a little excessive.

Not to mention the constant string of plots occurring simultaneously at Juliette's silo is sort of making it harder to follow. I feel like I may need a notebook just to keep track of all the people involved and their motivations.

Keep in mind I did not read the books. I am following along with viewers and the minor bits of details from my husband who has read and loved the books.

In my honest opinion, Juliette has spent more than enough time with Solo. Her time with him hasn't contributed more to the story than what we already know.

On the flipside, I am very engaged and interested in how everything has been falling apart at Juliette's silo but even I am getting a little tired of the same plot getting stretched and dragged out. I am hoping something really new and mind-blowing happens in the next episode.

But regardless of these minor setbacks, I find myself still really enjoying and liking Silo. Science fiction is often very hit-and-miss with me, but Silo has gripped me from the very first episode.

It's underrated for sure!

Stream Silo season 2 episode 6 Friday, December 20 on AppleTV+.