The Empress season 2, episodes 1 and 2 review

The Empress season 2 begins with a time jump and trouble already brewing for Emperor Franz and Empress Elisabeth for a lack of a male heir and need for an alliance with France.
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The Empress - Netflix

The Empress is back with season 2 on Netflix, continuing the historical drama of the real-life Emperor Franz and Empress Elisabeth of Austria. In season 1 we learn how the couple meets and all the trials and tribulations that follow including that of Franz's overbearing, vindictive mother Sophia.

As a young couple, the love and passion becomes threatened by their vastly different personalities. As Elisabeth struggled to assimilate into royal life, Sophia continued her attempts to break the couple apart, all the while Franz's brother Maximilian falls in love with Elisabeth.

Times are changing, the old world is fading, meaning Elisabeth must find a way to keep the people of Austria happy, as well as keep her position as Empress, even though it seems everyone is against her. This includes a secret assassination attempt via rebel Leontine.

Some of the burning questions we hope the new season will answer are if Elisabeth and Franz's marriage survives, will Austria keep its powerful status, and if someone can intervene and throw Sophia out of their lives forever?

The Empress Season 2 Episode 1 – Is love enough?

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The Empress - Netflix

Season 2 begins with a time jump to 1856, where Elisabeth is pregnant with her second child. Her firstborn, Sophie, was apparently a disappointment to her mother-in-law, Franz's mother Sophia. She's been praying and asking others to as well, for the blessing of a boy and more importantly an heir to the throne. As Elisabeth's due date gets closer, she attends her appointment with the midwife who believes she will give birth to a boy.

This of course pleases Sophia and Franz. It seems all the drama caused by Franz's brother Maximilian's betrayal is over, and thus Franz and Elisabeth's love prevails...for now. As for Max, he's been banished to a palace on the coast, away from his family and friends. As he celebrates another birthday alone, he ponders suicide but even he is too cowardly to do it.

Back home, Franz has a lot on his plate, as his council and mother still heckle him about being an Emperor of peace as Napolean III becomes the man of the hour. But everything is about to change when Elisabeth, under the scrutiny of Sophia, joins Franz in meeting other countries and kingdoms in person.

This includes Venetia, where a man, working on his own, delivers a gift of an animal tongue and begs her for help. Before Italy was its own country it was separated into several territories with Venetia as part of the Kingdom of Lombardy–Venetia. For fear of him harming Elisabeth, Franz has no choice but to kill him. The man is shot and dies before Elisabeth.

Not long after an argument with Franz about their duty to help, she goes into early labor, which proves to be more difficult than her first pregnancy, as evidenced by the loss of a lot of blood. Thankfully her baby is born, healthy and strong but alas its another girl.

This visibly upsets Franz and angers Sophia. The doctor does his best to tend to Elisabeth, concluding she has a fever and infection. If you think this is enough drama, there is more. Leontine is now under Charlotte's thumb after she witnessed the murder of one of the ladies of the court, who found out the truth about her real identity.

Charlotte is now in charge of the ladies of the court and holds the blackmail over Leontine's head, which includes keeping her as far away from Elisabeth as possible. Even still, Leontine manages to see Elisabeth now and again, proving her service has become more of a welcomed friendship.

Leontine has also found herself in the arms of a man who loves her deeply. How long will this good fortune last?

The Empress Season 2 Episode 2 – Who holds the power?

Netflix The Empress S2
The Empress - Netflix

Episode 2 begins with Elisabeth dreaming of the Venetian man, following him deeper into the woods, ignoring her husband's calls. We come to learn she's been sick for a week with a high fever. Meanwhile, a distraught Franz has yet to even hold his baby girl. He hasn't even named her yet.

Sophia the ever kind, loving, and understanding mother-in-law...asks the doctor how soon Elisabeth can conceive again in the hopes of bearing an heir. Even he is taken aback by her outlandish and rude question, claiming that another pregnancy could harm the baby and kill Elisabeth.

Probably just what Sophia wants at this point. But even her lady-in-waiting notices how cruel Sophia is, attempting to distract her with ideas of taking on a charming new husband or lover. In the meantime, Franz finally contacts Max asking him to return to the palace. Max does so with a gift for his new baby niece but comes to find that the only reason Franz asked for him is for a mission.

Franz wants Max to meet with Napolean III, who recently became a father to a son, for an alliance. Max agrees to go but hates the fact Franz won't forgive him for his attempted betrayal. Max isn't even allowed to visit Elisabeth. Franz is giving Max the opportunity to prove that he can be trusted again.

Elisabeth finally awakens, upset that she hasn't seen either child. She becomes more upset that her husband has yet to name their daughter. Adding to her heartbreak, she wants them to get involved in aiding Venetia but Franz refuses. We are back to our common theme of the show, which is that Franz and Elisabeth struggle to communicate with each other over their vastly different thoughts and opinions.

More often than not Franz shuts Elisabeth down, and thus she becomes determined to do things her way, both out of stubbornness and pride. As Elisabeth recovers she becomes determined to be with her daughter Sophie. She manages to sneak outside to play with her while the governess is sleeping. However, Elisabeth loses sight of her daughter when she hallucinates the dead Venetian man.

She finds Sophie trying to play in the fountain when palace staff find her. Elisabeth passes out and the incident is what prompts Sophia to officially get a new doctor who is willing to drug Elisabeth to keep her in bed.

This will enable Sophia to spend time with Sophie, molding her in her image. Elisabeth initially disagrees with the new doctor, angry at Sophia who manages to manipulate her by promising she won't tell Franz what occurred outside.

Terrified of Franz's reaction, as she is willing to do anything to salvage their marriage, Elisabeth takes the first dose of the sedative, but still dreams of the dead Venetian man. This thankfully prompts her to awaken and not take the medicine nor listen to the doctor anymore.

What's more relieving is that Franz does find the vile, and becomes angry at his mother's attempts to push for a male heir. But after everything Elisabeth went through, she seems determined to not get pregnant again. Knowing that his wife is getting better, Franz finally comes around to see his daughter and names her Gisella. While this is all happening, Max is on his way, via train, to meet with Napolean III when his train.

He is suddenly accompanied by Marie Charlotte, on her way to meet and potentially marry King Pedro of Portugal. The two banter, and flirt, but it's obvious the older of her two ladies of the court will not leave her alone with Max.

But even his male traveling companion can see the budding romance and begins to feel remorseful for Max. Although Max is disappointed Marie intends to marry another, he continues to meet Napolean III, who doesn't seem remotely interested in aiding Franz.

In fact, he has the audacity to insinuate that Europe is too crowded and that they should try South America instead... But Max's trip might not have been for nothing. Turns out Marie is also there meeting with Pedro. Max's male traveling companion and most likely security, manages to convince one of Marie's ladies to arrange for Marie to meet Max the next morning.

She agrees insinuating perhaps Max has finally found someone to love and settle down with. Speaking of love, Leontine may find herself getting married, if she accepts of course. But if she does, her lie will be revealed to everyone. Will she be able to find happiness?

The Empress season 2 episodes 1 and 2 – Honest Thoughts

One of the things I love about The Empress season 2 thus far is that the transition is smooth and nearly unrecognizable from season 1. Considering season 1 was released in 2022, I was worried there would be some differences in perhaps acting, filming style, or just the overall aura of the story. But there isn't. Surprisingly, season 2 has been delivering on all the things most television shows struggle with.

I can't begin to tell you how many television shows change, out of nowhere, from one season to the next (cough Boardwalk Empire cough). This includes, most often and most frustratingly, character motivations (cough Boardwalk Empire cough). So then how do you keep the momentum going? The Empress seems to have found the answer.

Even though we do have a minor time jump, the story continues without a hitch. As a mother myself of now two daughters, this season has been affecting me differently. I could never imagine being in Elisabeth's position, giving birth to two healthy daughters only to have your mother-in-law belittle you and her own grandchildren because of the lack of a male heir. I know this was common for hundreds of years, but it made me hate the woman more than I already do.

Unfortunately, it seems Sophia is not going anywhere anytime soon, and her strength seems to grow the more she manipulates everyone around her. My only hope is that someone, anyone at this point, can interfere and put a stop to her plotting and meddling. Because Franz seems just as blind to his mother's actions as everyone else. Well with the exceptions of the old doctor and her own lady-in-waiting.

Sophia will undoubtedly be the reason Franz and Elisabeth do not last, and although no one's life is perfect, this is still a devastating reality to comprehend. I find myself becoming deeply invested in every character, from Charlotte and Leontine's situation to Max who may finally find happiness.

Aside from Sophia, however, I am troubled by the fact that unless Elisabeth has a male heir, the throne will probably go to Max. Will that be enough reason to try another betrayal or has he truly changed?

What did you think of The Empress season 2 episodes 1 and 2? Stream The Empress on Netflix.