J. J. Abrams is heading to HBO


Glare, a new project from J. J. Abrams, is in production over at HBO. Space is the place to be.

We’re sort of living in a golden age of sci-fi entertainment. The development of this trend can be traced back to Interstellar, and then The Martian, Arrival, Westworld, and the list goes on. Granted, Westworld isn’t about space exploration, but it still belongs on that list. With how popular the o once niche genre is doing it’s not surprising that HBO wants a larger slice of the pie. Enter J. J. Abrams, who is developing a a drama series called Glare.

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It’s worth pointing out that Abrams is an executive producer on Westworld, so he already has a relationship with HBO. Glare, according to Deadline, will be about the colonization of another planet, something which is a bit of a hot topic right now. It will be written by Javier Gullón, a Spanish writer that hasn’t really broken out in the states yet. Gullón wrote the upcoming Aftermath, starring Arnold Schwarzenegger.

Glare, if it pans out, could get Gullón a healthy career boost. There are no other details about the new series yet, and it isn’t clear how involved J. J. Abrams is going to be in it. It’s ostensibly a Bad Robot production, and so it would make sense if he stays attached only as producer. Considering how breaking this news is, don’t expect this series to fill the empty space of 2017 that Westworld will be leaving.

Next: How will Westworld keep fans invested?

Still, it’s great to know that there now seems to be a definite place for sci-fi over at HBO. It may be a while yet before we learn more, but it’s not like there isn’t a healthy amount of great shows to look forward to coming soon.