Why David Fincher Should Direct True Detective But Never Will

The second season of True Detective is coming down the pike but we have no idea what is in store or who will  joining up. while all of the attention is focused on the cast and who will get the coveted lead roles, some of us are trying to envision what ht series would look like if different Hollywood directors signed up for entire seasons of the show.

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One of the best names out there and one of the most natural choices is Oscar nominated director David Fincher as he seems to be perfect for True Detective as the entire show embodies what Fincher represents as a filmmaker. The comparisons to Se7en have been endlessly made and it’s not for no good reason.

Fincher’s style meshes so well with True Detective that you might mistake him for having something to do with the first season of the show. But while we may want to see Fincher take on the series and likely take it to it’s pinnacle, it will never happen. The reason Fincher will never be attached to True Detective is thanks to his prominent role on the Netflix series House of Cards, which sort of gave HBO a run for it’s money.

As much as we want to see true Detective through the lens of Fincher, it will never happen and that’s a damn shame. He’s a natural fit for the tone and subject matter of the series and the dark depths he’d drag the series would like be something we wouldn’t soon forget.