True Detective Dream Director: Martin Scorsese

In continuing with dreaming about who could come aboard and direct a season of True Detective, we take a look at one of the most legendary filmmakers still working in the business today. Martin Scoresese has won just a single Oscar for his directing skills in his career but he should have so many more and it’s hard to think that the Emmy’s would snub him the way the Academy has for all these years.

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But Scorsese wouldn’t just be handed an Emmy for directing True Detective, rather he’d earn it in only a way he knows how to do.

He’s a true visionary and a one of a kind talent would would no doubt give us one of the best seasons of True Detective that we’ve ever seen. Not only does he have a grasp on the quarrels of humanity but he’s a director who can switch from heartfelt moments to sheer and utterly reprehensible violence at the drop of a hat.

Scorsese not only has the talents to give us a classic season of True Detective but he has the connections with HBO that might actually make this more possible than we think. It will never happen, but we can dream and dreaming of a Scorsese helmed season of True Detective is a pretty incredible thought.