True Detective Casting Showdown: 3 Leads Down?


With three actors already in talks to take on season two, it’s time to once again take stock of where things lie. We currently have Taylor Kitsch, Colin Farrell, and Vince Vaughn all in talks for lead roles. One important piece of information that we don’t know is whether those three will indeed be filling three separate roles, or if at least Farrell and Vaughn have been up for the same one. It’s worth considering since Vaughn and Farrell are around the same age, so it’s possible that Farrell won’t be appearing in True Detective after all, or perhaps just in some other capacity.

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It’s important to remember that we only have bits of information to go on. We don’t currently know if Kitsch, Farrell, or Vaughn have secured those roles. We have had no confirmation from Pizzolatto or anyone else involved with True Detective. We have found ourselves with a significant amount of information, but we don’t yet know how any of it fits.

How would you feel about season two if it ended up involving all three of our supposed leads thus far? So far we haven’t heard anything about a female lead, outside of the original Jessica Chastain rumors. If things are moving in a controlled release, it’s possible that we won’t hear about that one until the last minute.