True Detective Dream Director: Darren Aranofsky

Since we now have four possible leads already in the running for season two, it’s time to once again focus on the directorial side of things. Darren Aranofsky is not a typical director, and his films are, for the most part, not easy to watch. But they are easy to appreciate. Araonfsky’s films tend to focus on dark edges of life, and in the case of Requiem for a Dream those edges are extreme. There is precious little about his films that are ordinary, and that means his films also tend to be divisive. If creator/writer Nic Pizzolatto is interested in throwing his characters even more into the void, Aranofsky is someone to seriously consider.

One of Aranofsky’s major achievements, though not one of his more palatable films, is 2010’s Black Swan. Much like True Detective, Black Swan features a darkness that constantly hovers over the characters and threatens to swallow them all. What Black Swan does differently is that it doesn’t pull any punches; it takes its characters to the extreme of their situations and their sanity. Black Swan is not an easy watch, but it best displays Aranofsky’s best tendencies without going overboard.

If you want to go full-on, there’s always Requiem for a Dream. But that’s a conversation for a different time.

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Aranofsky is one of the most creative film makers out there, and it would be very interesting to see what he could do with True Detective. He’s the type of director that would be able to take the work that previous director (now producer) Fukunaga created with season one and turn it into something different without alienating fans.

When it comes to availability, things don’t look so great. As of June, Aranofsky was set to produce and possibly direct and HBO series based on Margaret Atwood’s MaddAdam trilogy. That most likely takes him out of the running, though of course we don’t know whether he was ever actually in it or not. Pizzolatto may be looking for director that have worked more in the crime or noir genres.

Are you familiar with Aranofsky’s work? How do you feel he’d handle True Detective?