Can Colin Farrell follow Matthew McConaughey’s performance?

The second season of True Detective is right around the corner, which means the unofficially official cast of the series will be under the microscope of fans who are waiting to see if the new cast can live up to the first season and what happened with the cast there.

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It’s a tough act to follow, but no act will be tougher to follow than that of Matthew McConughey, who is likely going to be running away with the Emmy award this year for Best Actor thanks to his superb work in the first season of True Detective. The lead roles will again be split in the second season of True Detective but Colin Farrell will be entering the season as the biggest name on the call sheet.

That’s instantly going to draw comparisons to McConaughey and set things up for Farrell to turn in a performance just as good.

Basically, Farrell is doing something that a lot of other A-List actors seemed afraid to do — follow Matthew McConaughey as the lead character on True Detective. Farrell seems like the type of talented actor who can benefit from the boost True Detective will give his career as he already is one of the more famous actors working today and following carefully and uniquely in McConaughey’s shoes in True Detective seems like a brilliant move for his career.