True Detective will make Taylor Kitsch into the star he should be

The second season of True Detective is right around the corner and that means the cast is going to be broken down and analyzed the more and more fans fall into a void without new episodes or material from the show.

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One thing that has been keeping fans going is the unofficially official cast that has been leaked, as no one has officially signed on but everyone basically recognizes that the names we’ve most recently heard will be in the new season of the show. An interesting name that will be joining the cast is that of Taylor Kitsch, an actor that not many people have warmed up to but are about to.

Kitsch got his big break on the NBC teen drama Friday Night Lights but he’s branched out rather elegantly into the world of cinema, even if he’s had stumbles along the way. There’s really no ignoring his involvement in Battleship, but John Carter is a cult hit though, so some can be forgiven.

His best performance to date though is in A Normal Heart, which is likely what turned HBO on to him enough to supposedly offer him a role on True Detective. All of Kitsch’s roles have something love about them, even if they’re not all perfect and he seems like he could greatly benefit from getting an award-worthy role and living up to such standards on True Detective this season.