Will True Detective replace Boardwalk Empire in HBO lineup?


True Detective is one of the hottest shows on HBO at the moment, and it’s following the footsteps of shows like Game of Thrones and Boardwalk Empire when it comes to flagship shows for the network.

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But one of those three mentioned shows will be ending its run on HBO this year, as Boardwalk Empire is going to be hammering the final nail into the coffin starting this fall. That means there will be a gap in the lineup for HBO in the Fall of 2015, and that’s a hole that could be filled by True Detective.

Right now, we have no idea when True Detective is going to premiere it’s second season, and it’s looking like an early 2015 premiere isn’t likely. That means, True Detective could be aiming to fill the hole that Boardwalk will be leaving in the Fall 2015 lineup, which is a brilliant move for the show.

Game of Thrones will always get the Spring slot on Sundays for HBO and after renewing the series for a second season this week, The Leftovers will be moving up to replace True Blood in the summer lineup.

If True Detective misses an early 2015 premiere, then replacing Boardwalk Empire in the Fall 2015 lineup is something that makes too much sense to not have happen.