Will Breaking Bad beat True Detective at Emmy Awards?


True Detective was a darling hit for HBO and critics fell in love with the show’s writing and the tight acting that made the series the impressive feat that it was. But the exact same thing and more can be said about Breaking Bad, which is going to be True Detective’s stiffest competition at the Emmy Awards later this month.

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While True Detective had an impressive first season run, the Emmy Awards may be weighing the entire series of Breaking Bad when considering voting for the show, as this is the final year that the AMC series can be eligible for Emmy Awards. Even outside of that, the fifth season of the show was one of the best seasons of the show, and that’s saying a lot considering how amazing the entire series was as a whole.

From Bryan Cranston to Aaron Paul and everyone involved in directing and writing the show, Breaking Bad is a favorite at the Emmy Awards and that’s why True Detective is in a bit of trouble when it comes to being a ‘lock’ for certain categories.

It’s also what makes this year at the Emmys feel so much more special than other years have been, as the competition is stiff and we won’t know who the real winner is until the moment the awards are announced.