Are HBO expectations for True Detective too high?


The second season of the hit HBO series True Detective is right around the corner and that means we’re going to be hearing more and more as the eventual production date nears. But there’s a major question going around at the moment that is starting to become more and more real as it becomes apparent that the show isn’t going to be making an early 2015 premiere date.

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While the cast has apparently been picked out, but not officially announced, it’s looking like there might be some turmoil on the set but while there might be turmoil, the more likely factor in the hold up with the show is expectations that are just way too high.

It’s not hard to imagine there being some high expectations for the show but it’s even more possible that said expectations are just way too high. Look at the critical acclaim and the potential Emmy awards that are going to be connected to the show later this month — that’s a hard act to follow.

What is HBO supposed to do, expect less from season two? Expectations deserve to be high but it’s possible for them to be too high and that might be what fans and executives are dealing with. Fans need to keep expectations at bay — not lower them but make sure that they don’t expect too much from a show that can only deliver so much.