True Detective’s Second Season Won’t be as Dark as the First

HBO head Michael Lombardo has finally started to seriously break the silence on True Detective’s second season. Out of all the things that have been announced so far, this bit might turn out to be the most controversial. Lombardo reportedly mentioned at the Guardian International Television Festival via Huffpost UK that the second season isn’t going to be quite as dark as the first:

"“It’s still dark…Nic explores the darkness in people’s souls. It’s not as dark, but it’s not a light ride.”"

This is the kind of quote that will be analyzed before we get more information. It’s also the sort of thing that is bound to disappoint people if it holds true. It’s important to remember that many things that we’ve heard about the second season have not held true, even including the number of leads. 

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The darkness of a particular piece of entertainment is highly subjective, so we can’t be too sure what Lombardo actually means or what the season will actually look like. Not “as dark” could pertain to a great many aspects of the second season, so we’re yet again on “wait and see” duty.

If the second season does turn out to be lighter in tone than the first, that’s not necessarily a bad thing. We can be fairly certain that Pizzolatto isn’t the type to turn True Detective into a buddy cop show, and the characters certainly aren’t going to break out in song and dance. It does, however, gives us one more thing to ponder as inch ever closer season two.

Would a slightly lighter in tone True Detective be something you’d be interested in? Do you know people who skipped the first season partly because it was too dark?

Let the conversation begin as to what it all means.