True Detective Was Picked up by HBO after First Script was Read


The second season of True Detective is right around the corner, which means that fans are starting to wonder more and more what the new season of the show is going to be about.

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But before we can move forward with the show, we need to look back and see where things came from and where the show was born at HBO. According the Hollywood Reporter, True Detective was almost instantaneously picked up by HBO — at least that’s what programming director Michael Lombardo says.

"“We’d worked with Nic before. We hired him to do a pilot script, which we decided not to go forward with. But the writing was unbelievable. So we get a call to say Nic had written two episodes [of True Detective] and was it in with possibility for attached stars. And they gave us the first two scripts. I knew in the room that we had to do this. It was clear that they had packaged it and it was competitive. I just said ‘I want to do this,’"

This makes sense, especially given how much HBO loves the second season scripts they’ve already received. The network’s love for True Detective is apparent, but it’s also warranted as the first season was phenomenal and hopefully the new season can live up to that in more than one way.