Cary Fukunaga says True Detective set was ‘very hands-on’


The first season of True Detective is getting more and more love thanks to its Emmy win for Best Director and that means Cary Fukunaga is giving more insight into the filming process of the series.

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Already Fukunaga gave insight into the cinematography of the series and what it meant to the characters but he didn’t stop there. In an recent interview, Fukunaga noted that he had a very hands on set with True Detective and it was one of the things he loved about the series.

"“Some directors don’t get involved in the cinematography and are just about story, but I’m definitely more tactile than that in terms of my involvement in the minutiae,” explains Fukunaga. “There might be a lattice work with a pile of books at an old school and I’m sitting there turning it and turning it until it has just the right amount of twist in the spine; weird little things like that. I enjoy setting the scene and coming up with interesting frames. True Detective was a very hands-on set.”"

This is good to know not only because it makes so much sense with True Detective but it means that Fukunaga takes his craft seriously. He’s branching out into movies which means if Fukunaga is a stickler perfectionist for details then his movies will be something True Detective look forward too each year they come out.