True Detective Season 2: Trent Reznor needs to do new soundtrack


The second season of True Detective is right around the corner from starting production and that means we’re going to start hearing more and more about the series and what will happen. So far nothing really is known about the season, as the cast has been rumored but not announced and the scripts have been read but are under wraps.

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One aspect of the show that isn’t often discussed but really needs to be is the music. we all talk about how brilliant hte first season soundtrack is, but we must now consider who should do it for the new season. An obvious and brilliant choice would be Nine Inc Nails singer and Oscar winning composer Trent Reznor.

it’s hard not to think of Reznor when watching the first season, and his work with David Fincher has shown his range of talent as a composer.

Reznor’s sound has that metallic and dark edge but listen to The Social Network soundtrack — the work he won an Oscar for — and you’ll also hear tenderness and heartbreak. It’s a wide range that helped enhance Fincher’s film and added a layer to the characters.

True Detective needs that in season two, as the expectations will be high so going big on Reznor is a smart choice should it be considered.