Who Will Compose True Detective Season 2 Soundtrack?

The second season of True Detective is coming down the pike and there are some serious questions that fans have about the show and where it will be going in season two. One of the questions fans have is who will be in charge of scoring the new season, as that’s something T Bone Burnett did a fabulous job of doing in the first season.

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Needless to say, they’re big shoes to fill and that’s somewhat of a daunting task for whoever takes over next. There’s still an outside chance that T Bone comes back, but there are a slew of others who could very much step in and bring their own taste to the show.

Trent Reznor is a name to consider as he’s worked well with David Fincher to create synthesized scores that win awards and help give projects an extra back bone. There are others who can be considered as well, such as more classical composers like Howard Shore or other techno-style composers like The Dust Brothers and others.

But the bottom line is that someone is going to need to score season two of True Detective and it’s going to need to be someone who can add their own flare to things while also giving the story and the setting a bite that it will need to stand out.