Is True Detective the Most Unique Series on HBO?

HBO has a lot going for it right now. Besides True Detective it has Game of Thrones and The Leftovers, the latter of which slowly became must-watch TV. The idea of a detective show is not unique in and of itself, but the direction and anthology format sure are.

Game of Thrones may be the biggest fantasy show of all time, though it is technically based on a series of novels. True Detective is a very different series, but is also an original work. Accusations of plagiarism aside, of course. Game of Thrones proved that genre shows could work, and True Detective is further proof of that.

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When it comes right down to it, True Detective may be one of the most unique dramas on any channel, broadcast included. The use of flashbacks in the first season to tell the majority of the story was a creative choice that may have originally gotten a few odd looks, but it proved to be one of its greatest aspects.

There is no sense in comparing which HBO’s shows are necessarily better, but True Detective’s place as one of the greats is difficult to argue. There are many shows that resemble it out there, but right now there is no other True Detective, on HBO or any other channel.