True Detective Season 2: Stop worrying about premiere date


True Detective is going to be holding out on fans for the time being, as there are no cameras rolling yet and the series has a premiere date that is as up in the air as its ever been. Still, this may not be something to worry about as the show not coming back on a yearly basis isn’t really all that big of a deal.

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We have to remember that True Detective isn’t a series, it’s an anthology. What this means is basically every season is it’s own story — like a really long movie. Films take years to produce so it should be no surprise that this is taking a while to get True Detective off the ground for a second season.

Think of the second season like a sequel to True Detective, but in cinematic production terms only. We know that the series is going to start a new story this season, which means we should actually think of it as a new movie altogether. None of the work is setup yet, meaning everything needs to go back to square one.

We usually wait roughly two years between a film being announced to the release date of the movie. Television presents a need for all of that to be sped up, but it buys True Detective slack that people seem to be ignoring for the time being.