Would True Detective Work on AMC?


The first season of the hit HBO series True Detective was partially amazing because of the lengths HBO allowed the story to go. There was no FCC or parental watchdog group to worry about seeing some side-boob and wanting to shutdown the world. HBO affords shows a certain amount of creative freedom and while the results are often brutal, the stories we get are complete and true visions.

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Outside of HBO and aside from Netflix, the only other Network that truly has an eye for seeing a series through to it’s truest vision is AMC, as they’ve changed the television game and they did it first. FX gets honorable mention but without Mad Men you don’t get mot of the shows we have.

For you The Shield fans out there, let’s give FX their due credit there but this is about AMC and their fearlessness to see shows through to how the creators want them, which is different from being edgy which is what FX is .

The question is would True Detective have worked if we had seen it picked up by AMC instead of HBO? if you breakdown the best parts about True Detective then of course the show would have worked on AMC. Take out the nudity and tone down the swearing and the show very much could have worked as is on AMC.

Thankfully, we’ll never find out as HBO is a perfect home for True Detective and will remain as such for a long time.