Will True Detective spoofs ever get old?


The success of the hit HBO series True Detective has brought about some recognition in the world of parodies, as it seems everyone wants to do their best Rust Cohle impression and post it on the internet. We saw this with Jimmy Kimmel, Ross Marquand and others, but the parodies seemed to taper off as the months started to pass without the show being on the air.

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But when Cleveland Indians pitcher Corey Kluber posted his own parody of True Detective this week, it was a reminder that the parodies of the show aren’t going anywhere and that they will seemingly always exist. So the question has now become will the parodies ever get old and tired, as fans can only see the same impression done so many times before it gets contrite.

Instead of being cynical, we should all use this occasion in which a parody comes out five months after the season finale and in the dead zone of the television season, to realize what this really means. True Detective’s impact on pop culture is still very apparent, as a reference can be made five months after the fact and everyone gets it right away.

That says a lot about a show and it’s clear that True Detective will continue to have a pop culture impact for a very long time.