There’s a New True Detective Podcast on the Block

This month marked the one year anniversary of True Detective’s first season ending. To their extreme credit, the fan community hasn’t shown any signs of slowing down when it comes to paying tribute to True Detective. That’s not even taking into consideration all the would-be fans watching it for the first time.

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To document the experience of viewing True Detective for the first time, the Unspoiled! podcast took to recording the thoughts of a “newbie” to the series. The podcast recently wrapped its final episode, it’s worth your time to catch up. Especially if it’s been a while since you sat down and watched the first season of True Detective.

In fact, now may be the best time to settle in with a True Detective flavored podcast. The second season will supposedly premiere in the summer, and it’s not like the True Detective camp themselves have been offering anything in the way of meaningful fan interaction (yes, this is something of a sticking point with us.)

True Detective twitter account masquerading as an official one was recently suspended, so there are now fewer outlets to discuss True Detective than ever. Go ahead and give Unspoiled! a try if you’re interesting in revising the first season before the second airs, or if you just can’t get enough of that sweet True Detective goodness.

Next: Was the True Detective twitter account suspended?