A New True Detective Inspired Comic Series is on the Way

A new comic series inspired by True Detective and Seven has been announced.

There has always been something very comic book friendly about True Detective, and that’s not just because Nic Pizzolatto happens to be a known fan of comic books. Within True Detective lives the heart of a pulpy, noir comic series that could legitimately be great. Since neither Nic Pizzolatto nor HBO seems keen on doing that right now, another has stepped in. Sort of.

According to Comics Alliance, a new series is coming soon that takes a few cues from True Detective. The series is called Indoctrination, and looks to examine “the power of ideas, and how ideology can drive mankind to act in horrifying ways.” Indoctrination is about two FBI agents that are forced to act on their own to solve a series of murders. Very True Detective.

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Indoctrination will be published by Z2 comics and comes from Michael Moreci and Matt Battaglia. Moreci used to be a journalist, and it’s likely his past experience plays a part in this new series. Moreci has apparently been getting around, as he is also working on Roche Limit, Hoax Hunters, Burning Fields, and ReincarNATE. That’s a lot of comics.

Until True Detective, at the very least, officially ends its run on HBO it’s unlikely that it will ever become a comic series. Major properties like Game of Thrones have plenty of tie-ins and spinoffs, including comics, but it would be a surprising turn of events if Pizzolatto allowed others to work on one of his creations.

Next: Does HBO have a new True Detective?

True Detective could make the perfect comic series, assuming it could ever happen, but we’ll have to be happy with Indoctrination until then. Indoctrination will premiere its first issue this June, and fans of both comics and True Detective will want to keep an eye of for it.