The Winds of Winter are Here on Game of Thrones


The preview for the Game of Thrones finale promises to be Epic

It’s been nine episodes of Game of Thrones, and that means the end is near. The season six finale is right around the corner, and it will technically be the final tenth episode of Game of Thrones. The next season will feature less episodes. The preview for the final episode, titled “The Winds of Winter” brings back old foes.

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Sure, there is more talk from the High Sparrow, but look, the Freys! A reunion with the Frey clan has been teased for a little while, what with the incident at Riverrun. Jamie will take a trip to visit the Frey clan, and there’s a nice little callback to The Red Wedding when Walder states that the Freys and Lannisters “send their regards.” It’s very similar to what Roose Bolton said to Robb. You know, before the stabbing.

There are also a couple of rough meetings: one between Littlefinger and Sansa, and the other between Davos and Melisandre. Littlefinger expects something from bringing aid to Jon last episode — probably marriage — and Davos wants vengeance for Shireen’s death. Neither meeting will likely end well.

We then jump to Dany and Tyrion, with Tyrion, once again, explaining “the game.” It’s a tiresome conversation at this point that certainly does not need repeating. Major strides have to be taken in Mereen for that storyline to rebound this season. “The Winds of Winter” also hails the return of Bran, who hasn’t been seen since he was reunited with Benjen.

That’s a gap of several episodes, which has been a tad disappointing. Bran was on a really good kick this season, so it’s unfortunate that he ended up being pushed into the background. The finale is going to be a full seventy minutes, which will be the longest episode of Game of Thrones so far.

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With Arya on here way to Westeros, Jon and Sansa back together, and seemingly everyone and their uncle heading to Essos, things are coming to a head. Finally.