Check out a map of all the Important Locations in Girls’ First Season

As part of an online marathon, HBO has put together a fun map for fans of Girls’ first season.

It’s a little strange to now think back to the first season of Girls. The show was getting a good amount of buzz at that point, and the world was introduced to both Lena Dunham and Adam Driver. Driver, of course, would become both an artful independent star (Patterson, Silence) and a mainstream one (Star Wars). The first season of Girls as an innocent thing. Season two is another story altogether.

HBO is hosting a marathon on HBO Now, which is kind of a weird thing. HBO Now streaming is always open for subscribers, and so Girls can be watched at anytime. Well, whatever. They’re going season by season (again, weird,) and have posted a fun map of the important locations from the first season of Girls.

Image Credit: HBO

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And that’s just a piece of the action; go here to check out the full map and other goodies. The first season is by far the easiest one to digest, and so we have no problem recommending it for people who were perhaps turned off by later seasons. Or, hey, if you’ve never seen Girls, just give it a shot. We’re not going to blame you for ditching after the first season, though it is a show wroth watching, even with its frustrations.

You can watch along with others on social media by using #Girlsathon. While we’re not sure that we’re down with a streaming marathon, we do appreciate its spirit and good intention. HBO will likely be creating similar maps for the other seasons, so there is that to look forward to.

Next: Watch a new teaser for Big Little Lies

The sixth and final season of Girls just released a new trailer but won’t premiere until February 12th. That gives some time to catch up with some old frenemies.