25 Predictions and Questions for Fargo Season 3

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Image Credit: FX

After a little hiatus, it’s almost time for Fargo season 3. Sure, Noah Hawley did work on Legion in the interim, but we all know that Fargo is where it’s at.

The first season brought us more than enough surprises, but season 2 went and topped it – remember the UFO? Fargo is now as unpredictable as ever, but that isn’t going to stop us from taking a swing at it. So without further ado, here are our 25 bold predictions for Fargseason 3.

1. The return of Mike Milligan

There were so many great things about Fargo season 2, but Mike Milligan rides high at (or near) the top of that particular list. Mike brought both menace and a light touch to the bloody storyline, as he tried to prove himself to his superiors.

This eventually earned him an office with a window, but office life wasn’t exactly what he had been hoping for. There are some out there that believe that Lorne Malvo executed him when he assaulted the crime syndicate’s headquarters in the first season, but we’re holding out hope for poor Mike. If he does show up, it will likely only be as a cameo or a name-drop.

2. There’s only room for one Stussy brother

Ewan McGregor made headlines when it was announced that he would be playing both Emmit and Ray Stussy this season. We’re not worried whether or not McGregor has the acting chops to pull it off (he definitely does) but that both brothers won’t survive the season.

In fact, we’re comfortable saying that outright. Fargo has a thing for twins (remember the Kitchen brothers from last season?) and things tend not to go so well for families in general. Our money is on Ray (seen above) being the unlucky brother, but we’re open to being wrong.