Ranking each Doctor Who based on who you’d get a pint with

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Eleventh Doctor // Matt Smith

The Eleventh Doctor is a fairly complicated man that’s full of contradictions. He generally has the most carefree demeanor of any of the “New Who” Time Lord incarnations, but he also carries the weight of his own history more obviously than most. He’s old – Eleven has spent literally hundreds of years in this body – and it shows. His age has made him both kinder and stranger than some previous versions of himself. Eleven possesses a distinctly “alien” vibe. This isn’t necessarily a bad thing at all, but it means that occasionally your friends are going to think he’s really weird.

However, Eleven has a huge heart and is a loyal friend. His seemingly boundless empathy means that he’s always going to be there for you. And if you’re having some kind of personal crisis? Odds are, he will be completely able to relate to it whatever you’re feeling. He’s great at fixing your problems, even if he has to rewrite the history of your entire life to do so. (Just ask Kazran Sardick from Christmas special “A Christmas Carol”.)

And if you’re looking for some fun? There’s no better Doctor to have around. Eleven is willing to throw himself into ANY situation whole-heartedly. And it’s possible that he’s the only Doctor ever really embrace having a good time. Remember all that hilarious dancing at Amy and Rory’s wedding? Yeah. Eleven is definitely a fun drunk. Best guess? He’s that guy that’s going to talk everybody into doing a shot they really didn’t want, and then singing karaoke after.

Booze of Choice: Definitely something that comes in an obnoxiously bright color, and probably has some sort of straw decoration attached. It might even come in a cup shaped like some kind of silly animal. Daiquiris, mai tais or rum runners are safe bets. As far as beers go, he’s definitely a fan of some new craft blend – probably something that comes with a lot of fruit flavors built in

Next: Peter Capaldi discusses why he’s leaving Doctor Who

We don’t know yet who will play the Thirteenth Doctor when Peter Capaldi departs the TARDIS later this year. Nor do we know what Thirteen will be like, in general. But, there’s certainly a long tradition of compelling, interesting and sometimes downright bizarre Doctors before them, so pretty much anything is possible.

The new season of Doctor Who – and the final one for the Twelfth Doctor – airs Saturday nights on BBC America.