5 WTF Moments from Fargo’s “The Narrow Escape Problem”

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Image Credit: FX

This week’s episode of Fargo “The Narrow Escape Problem” had some pretty WTF moments and we are here to break them down one bizarre scene at a time.

1. Musical Moments

This week’s episode starts off interestingly with symphony “Peter and the Wolf” where each character is represented by a different instrument. In Fargo’s version, Gloria is Peter, Ray is the Duck, Nikki is the Cat, Varga is the Wolf,  and Sy is the Grandfather. This interesting and unique opening is reminiscent of last week’s strange android cartoon that was threaded throughout the episode.

We hope that Fargo keeps up with these interesting story telling devices.

2. Varga’s bathroom breaks

One of the more disturbing moments during this week’s episode was right in the beginning when we see Varga wolfing down plates and plates of pancakes and gooey eggs at a diner then going straight to the bathroom to vomit it up. It happens again during his impromptu visit to Emmit’s house when he eats some pork chops and applesauce and throws up in their bathroom.

We’re not sure what’s going on with Varga or whether or not he has a medical condition, but we are sure that it has something to do with his dark and mysterious past in Russia.