5 WTF Moments from Fargo 3×05 The House of Special Purpose

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Image Credit: FX.


Wow, that was uncomfortable to watch. Within the first couple minutes of Fargo this week we witness Varga giving Sy a lesson concerning the chicken and the egg. More specifically, “A chicken is an egg’s way of making another egg” all while rubbing his manhood in Sy’s World’s Best Dad mug.

It doesn’t end there though, oh far from it.

His two goons then fill the mug with some sort of liquid and make Sy drink out of the now Varga-violated mug. After the traumatic incident, he stumbles into the hallway trying to call Emmit freaking out that that they’ve got real problems now, opposed to the fake problems you’ve been dealing with the past four episodes Sy? We have to go easy on the poor guy though, cause this week just gets more brutal for him even after his sanctified drink.

2. Wigs, Videotapes, and Ransom Notes

I have to admit I’m having a really hard time buying that Emmit’s wife couldn’t tell the difference between her own husband and her husband’s brother (because McGregor wears a lot of prosthetics, fat suit included).

And the wig Ray wears just doesn’t look like Emmit’s hair, it’s too bushy.

So it was pretty surprising to see her bolt out of the house hauling her mother and kids within a total meltdown rage. She didn’t even seem to question the video, or the cut and paste ransom note it came with. Poor Emmit though, he seemed just as confused as we were to his wife’s hasty retreat.