5 WTF Moments From Fargo: The Lord of No Mercy

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Image Credit: FX

3. Gloria and Winnie’s Tag Team Adventures

You’re not going to like it, we don’t even like it. But Carrie Coon’s Gloria is starting to become a bit underwhelming for us.

We can’t blame Coon though, she’s a master at her craft, but putting her seemingly separate (even though it’s not separate, it just really feels that way) storyline against the power-couple that is Ewan McGregor and Ewan McGregor.

She doesn’t stand up against the Stussy brothers. Even Varga knows it when he tears them down in Emmit’s office and treats them like their nothing but annoying pests. Even the ever-quirky Winnie was mostly silent in this episode.

So what gives Fargo? This is not a happy WTF moment, this is an angry WTF moment. We want more and better Coon, not just side Coon or quiet Coon.

Hopefully, the ending with Gloria saying “fu*** it” and turning her car around was the stopping point for her and we’ll see a more take-charge version of her character.

4. Nikki’s Bruises

Ouch! Nikki’s gnarly stomach bruises she received from last week’s brutal beating were on full display this week when we see her take a (very cold looking) ice bath.

It’s an interesting juxtaposition to see the once bad-ass and name-taker that was Nikki Swango be reduced to a moaning pile of pain who can barely get herself out of bed. We were even more surprised to see Nikki refuse to go to the hospital like any other normal human would after taking a beating like that.

Alas, Nikki also surprised us when she stopped Ray from killing the men who hurt her guns blazing. We have a feeling that since (MAJOR SPOILER) Ray is dead, we are going to get the real Nikki Swango. Not Ray’s Nikki, but the Nikki who was a convict, the one who did jail time.