We need a Game of Thrones style Star Wars television show

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Image Credit: Lucasfilm


Disney has already forged an alliance with Netflix. The deal is already done. So why not use this alliance for the distribution of a Star Wars Sith series? Star Wars: Rogue One proved that Star Wars can work in a PG-13 form, on Netflix Star Wars could jump to R. Netflix allow the Sith story up to go as far as it would need to go to be a true Game of Thrones competitor. You can’t complain about language and violence, these are the damn Sith after all.

Netflix would of course also gain from this. A Sith series would instantly be a huge draw for Netflix. Netflix is already the biggest streaming service of them all, but a Star Wars series would make sure that the king stayed on the throne.

Obviously, Netflix would be willing to pay to make this happen. Disney might even be able to strike a deal with Netflix similar to the one struck by CBS with Star Trek: Discovery. Netflix is mostly funding the production of Star Trek: Discovery and they get the rights to the show outside of the United States. Inside the United States, however, CBS has the rights to the massive science fiction franchise. This type of arrangement might make this a no brainier for Disney and ABC.

Next: 10 Game of Thrones characters that need to die in season 7

So what do you think? Do you want to see a Sith Star Wars television series in the Game of Thrones style? Let us know on Facebook or in the comments below.