Hulu reveals first look at Alexis Bledel in season 2 of The Handmaid’s Tale

Where has Ofglen been? Hulu gives us a hint in the first look of season two of The Handmaid’s Tale.

When we last saw Ofglen, played Alexis Bledel, it was at the end of season one as she was being shipped off somewhere. Where could that somewhere be?

Based on an image released by Hulu, it seems that Ofglen may be living out her days in the Colonies. Aunt Lydia (Ann Dowd) has hinted at such a place numerous times throughout the first season–a place where the girls are sent to be discarded or punished.

Season two of The Handmaid’s Tale seems to be setting the stage for what’s to come, and with the release of this picture, it is safe to assume the story will not be confined to the world of Gilead.

While the first season followed Margaret Atwood’s novel, for the most part, season two and any that may follow will have new stories to tell and unknown places to explore. While we have gotten a hint at what Ofglen’s life in the radioactive world of the Colonies may look like, season two will also reveal the fate of many others including Offred (Elisabeth Moss).

Based on the most recent trailer, it appears Offred may be taking things into her own hands and rebelling against the oppression of Gilead and its rulers.

Next: The Handmaid's Tale Season 2 Official Trailer!

Will Ofglen join her rebellious cause? We sure hope so! Whichever we want to look at it, things aren’t looking too optimistic going into season two of The Handmaid’s Tale and if this picture is any indication–we ought to brace ourselves.

The Handmaid’s Tale premieres its second season with the first two episodes on April 25! Be sure to check back with us for all the latest news about The Handmaid’s Tale!