Good Girls recap: ‘Taking Care of Business’


As enjoyable as Good Girls is, it feels as though the show is having trouble juggling three protagonists.

Each week two of the women get substantial storylines while one is left with some sorry writing. “Taking Care of Business” hands that award to Beth, whose indecisiveness is beginning to be a bit of a drag.

With the end of every episode, it feels as though Beth might be embracing life as a criminal until next week. Then she’s right back to square one where she tries to go back to living her life. “Taking Care of Business” explains her continued reversals by Annie saying it’s just a part of her “process” but it still feels repetitive.

If Beth is going to be the one pulling them into schemes with Rio then she should do so confidently rather than change her mind beforehand.

It’s not helped that the supporting characters that surround her are uninteresting. Dean is still faking his cancer and desperate for a reconciliation despite Beth’s extreme disinterest. A PTA mom notices the bullet holes in the minivan, as well as a tattooed criminal helping with groceries, but doesn’t question it. Yes, viewers need to suspend their belief when watching Good Girls but it’s a bit ridiculous to believe no one would notice bullet holes.

The same goes for the cashiers who don’t question the three women buying twenty thousand dollars worth of merchandise.  At least Ruby comes up with a whole backstory but it’s shocking that no one questions Annie’s purchases. That might be because she spends a lot of time flirting with the cute check-out guy. “Taking Care of Business” has her spend the first night alone without her daughter and it’s not great. She’s impulsive and lonely which leads to a one night stand with the aforementioned cashier.

Two good things come out of the hour that making this episode of Good Girls worth watching. The first is finally seeing Annie and Beth have an interaction as siblings rather than casual friends. Both girls hurl insults at one another before making up offscreen. In the future, Good Girls should really put more focus on the relationships between the women.

“Taking Care of Business” also kicks off the relationship between Rio and Beth. The two agree to throw the FBI off their trail by pretending to have an affair. There’s no doubt the two will eventually sleep together but for now, it’s just the beginning of their flirtation.

However, Beth seems pretty well-versed in her fake relationship when speaking to the FBI agent. Good Girls has definitely established Beth’s incredible talent for lying.

Next: Timeless recap: 'Hollywoodland'

In these upcoming weeks, the series is going to have to set a track to follow. “Taking Care of Business,” has to be the last time they have the women reconsider their life of crime before crawling back. Let them own their new lives because Good Girls is more fun when watching the chaos ensue.