“Danger, Will Robinson,” the final episode of Lost in Space’s first season, provides danger and new unknowns for the Netflix series.
Space is a dangerous place. Obviously, one can’t even breathe out there unaided. So, even without any sci-fi elements, any show about outer space will have increased stakes. Now, imagine you are trying to flee a dying planet and that your ship recently exploded. You may have survived, but you’re floating on a part of your craft — with only about 2 hours worth of oxygen in your tank! How would you feel? If you’re being honest, you’d probably be a little bit scared (if you haven’t totally soiled your space suit).
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Well, this is how the final episode of Lost in Space‘s first season begins, and it definitely doesn’t relent from there. John Robinson (Toby Stephens) and Don West (Ignacio Serricchio) have to coordinate a plan with the rest of the Robinson clan if they hope to join their mother ship, the Resolute. Not only is time an issue, but how intelligently they spend it. In order to survive, all the right elements have to fall into place. One missing piece to the puzzle can mean the character’s deaths. In other words, there is definitely something to this scenario.
Bye Bye, Planet
Another great aspect of “Danger, Will Robinson”? The planet they had crash landed on — which no one even bothered to name — is being jeopardized by a black hole, increasing tectonic activity, and volcanic activity. Sometimes mother nature throws a curve ball, and you must be prepared.
John Robinson and Don West being, you know, lost in space. (Lost in Space, Netflix)
Fortunately, the Robinsons’ are some of the most prepared people you can imagine, but in ways that are plausible to the story. Previously they overcame fuel shortages, tamed an alien robot, outsmarted giant lizards and bats, and escaped a deadly tar pit. Now they’re using Morse code to draft a plan. Unfortunately, any plan they create has an additional article, commonly known as “Dr. Smith” (Parker Posey).
It All Begins To Add Up
I could give a full recap of “Danger, Will Robinson”, but so much happens that I couldn’t do it justice. Suffice it to say that previous plot points are rewarded, and this episode is pretty much everything a fan could have wanted. It even addresses possible holes in the story – beyond the obvious wormholes and black holes.
That being said, this episode doesn’t give each character equal weight. Other than John and Don, much of the focus is on Maureen (Molly Parker), Will (Maxwell Jenkins) and Dr. Smith, while the other Robinsons — Penny (Mina Sundwall) and Judy (Taylor Russell) — are largely overlooked. Nevertheless, the action kind of sidesteps that issue, as one wonders how they’ll outwit the controlling Dr. Smith, especially when she has Will’s robot under her command.
Many of the main characters: Will, Maureen, Penny, Judy, “Dr. Smith” and the alien robot. (Lost in Space, Netflix)
In addition to that, more aspects of the alien technology are revealed, and it’s all somehow conveyed in a plausible (or at least semi-plausible) manner. While some criticize the show for unrealistic science (or whatever), I find myself feeling the opposite while watching “Danger, Will Robinson”.
Plausibility and Final Thoughts on the Season
I’m not a scientist, but what strikes me is that — through clever writing and performances — this show seems oddly realistic. It’s helped me become a newly minted space show nerd. Of course, credit can also go to the special effects, which are basically top-notch. I mean, the show isn’t that cheesy looking — honest!
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I think that, with all of these elements thrown together, it suggests the creators actually care about what they are doing, which helps viewers care, too. Honestly, if someone requires more action or tension than what this show delivers, they’ll probably never be satisfied. So, as I wait for the next season — and I will be waiting — I may give the first season an occasional re-watch. I doubt I will be alone.
How about you? Did Lost in Space launch you off beyond the stars, or did it crash-land with a thud?