Legion ends season two with a polarizing finale and a new villain

“Chapter 19” is bound to divide fans about the direction Legion is taking.

It wasn’t like Legion didn’t drop hints about who the villain was this season, but that didn’t make the reveal any less disheartening. Turns out Future Syd was correct, David is the villain of this story. However, his actions in the finale might have officially destroyed any chance of redemption in the future.

Note: This review will discuss sexual assault

Even when David was committing violent acts this season, it was easy to forgive him. A large part of that is due to Dan Stevens fantastic portrayal of the character. Even in last week’s episode when David torturing Oliver, it was out of desperation to save Syd. Now, “Chapter 19” has him take a much more significant turn to the sinister side.

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In a particularly trippy action sequence, Legion opens up the episode in a mental battle with Farouk. With some last minute help from Lenny, he manages to overtake his arch nemesis. However, Syd shows up at the last minute realizing David is the true bad guy. Her “heel turn” is a seen as a massive betrayal by David who pleads with her to reconsider.

She doesn’t though, and ultimately it sends him spiraling into an inner debate with different versions of himself. It makes sense, considering David has made it clear the only person he has left is Syd. Now, she ends up turning against him? It’s certainly a shock he has to deal with.

In a moment of desperation, he ends up trying to make Syd forget the past few days. If he had stopped there, then it might have been easier to continue liking David. Unfortunately, he doesn’t end there because he wants Syd to remember their love. Going into her room, David manipulates her emotions and the two ultimately have sex.

There will definitely be people who argue that there’s a grey area with what happened. However, plain and simple this is sexual assault. He’s manipulated her and taken her memories. It’s a line Legion will never be able to uncross. To be honest, it doesn’t even seem like the show understands just how traumatic and terrible these actions are.

This single action has changed the trajectory of the series, and not in a good way. How can the audience ever root for David again? He’s hurt the people in his life in unforgivable ways. However, the real fear is that the show will blame his mental illness for his actions. It’s certainly a step in the wrong direction for Legion. 

Next: Is Legion coming back for a third season on FX?

Season two of Legion has been a mixed bag as the series has felt directionless. As far as I’m concerned, Syd and Kerry/Cary are the real heroes of the show. The writers will have a hard time trying to even bring David back to an anti-hero status.

What did you think of “Chapter 19”? Be sure to tell us in the comments!